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∆ {2⁶} {FAIRY TALES} ∆

ROXI HAD NEVER quite understood the point of fairy tales. They seemed trivial compared wo things like learning how to read and write, and all the happy endings had simply annoyed her. No-one really had a happy ending, there would always be another chapter to read, another page to turn, another sentence to ruin things for the hero. They were a simple kind of lore, telling people only what they should be in the watchful, cruel eye of society, rather than what they could be if they wanted, like some form of twisted propaganda to be the perfect princess. People like that had never sat well with Roxi. Often, their wealthy lives would simply stem from luck, just as Tony Stark's had. It had been luck that he had been born into the family that he had, and that he's taken after his father in weapons design. It had been luck that he'd gotten out of that cave and grown to be Iron Man. Everything around her was based on luck. Except from the fact that she was sitting in a car with a traitor, a man she barely knew, a super soldier completely focused on doing the right thing, and the red-haired assassin that made weird feelings in the pit of her stomach flutter nervously. No, this wasn't luck, this was a poor choice, on Roxi's behalf. She was sat in the back right seat, Natasha in the middle, acting as a buffer between her and Sitwell so Roxi wouldn't shoot him, but also because she was the shortest.

"HYDRA doesn't like leaks," Sitwell fretted anxiously.

"And I don't like traitors but what can you do?" Roxi muttered to herself, receiving a half amused, half disapproving stare from Natasha.

"Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it?" Sam suggested forcefully. Roxi probably would've chosen something a bit more colourful, but it seemed some sort of ban had been placed on her having contact with  Sitwell. Natasha popped her head forward , so it was level with Sam and Steve's seats.

"Insight's launching in 16 hours. We're cutting it a little bit close here." Natasha informed them, a waft of roses and vanilla hitting Roxi as the air con turned slowly. It was then that she realised that she was still wearing Natasha's coat, and checked the pockets for her weapons just to be safe. Sure enough, the sleek black, curved cylinder lay in one of the inside pockets, two pistols and a variety of knives in the others, but for some reason, she felt as if she was under-prepared.

"I know. We'll just have to bypass his DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly." Steve replied, nor sounding overly enthusiastic.

"What? Are you crazy?" Sitwell burst out, leaning forward until Natasha pushed him back into his seat, "That is a terrible, terrible idea." Something hit the roof with a loud thud, and Roxi's hand immediately jerked to her quarterstaff, which was apparently a smart idea, because a moment later, a metal burst through Sitwell's window and yanked him out of the car harshly as he flinched and yelled, before being thrown in to the path of an eighteen-wheeler. Roxi was slightly pissed that she hadn't been given the opportunity to finish the bastard off, but he was dead, for betraying her family. For betraying S.H.I.E.L.D. 

The person on top of the car shot through the roof as Natasha dodged the shots and clambered into the front of the car, and Roxi shielded herself from the bullets using a sheet of metal that had been left in the car by whoever owned it before. Steve quickly changed gear and the car skidded to a halt, sending the intruder flying onto the road in front of them. He landed on his back and flipped over inelegantly before using his metal arm to bring himself to a halt with a terrible screeching noise as it scraped along the tarmac. Both Natasha and Steve looked at him with some form of recognition, and while Roxi didn't know who he was, she made an educated guess that this was the Winter Soldier. The person who'd killed Fury, Natasha had told her as they'd driven towards the fort where Sam's gear had been kept. The white flame roared at the thought, leaping and prancing through the air in a destructive dance, and Roxi did her best to keep a lid on it.

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