{5⁸} {WAKANDA}

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∆ {5⁸} {WAKANDA} ∆

ROXI HAD NEVER been to Wakanda. Of course, she knew of it. As Tony had explained when Ultron was still an issue, it was where Vibranium came from, and after the events in Germany, both in Berlin and at the airport, she knew who was in charge, too. T'Challa, who had become king after the bomb had gone off outside the conference building in Berlin, when his father had died.

She had been expecting it to be a well-off country, with regard to their supply of Vibranium, and yet the cityscape still stole her breath away as the Quinjet soared over buildings. She'd never been one for skyscrapers, for high-tech builds, and yet the city was beautiful. The place sent a feeling of power that she'd never come close to before thrumming through her veins.

Whenever she'd been around Vibranium (Steve's shield, Ultron, Vision) she found an odd energy dancing at her fingertips. But now, it coursed through her entire body. She'd have to be careful not to become drunk on that feeling of power. She was strong here, perhaps exceptionally so, and that struck a chord of hope within her, and she finally found the courage to turn to Natasha and ask her what had truly been happening a few hours earlier while she'd been zoned out.

"Nat, why exactly was Bruce talking about taking the Stone out of Vision?" She kept her voice low, not wanting to bring up the idea again with everybody already so on edge, and when Natasha turned to face her, she let out a soft sigh, slight concern coating her features. She'd known that Roxi had been out of it, but not that much.

"Thanos is coming here for the Stones. Vision.. Vision wanted Wanda to destroy it, but we're here so they can try and remove it before she does, so that Vision doesn't go with it." For a few seconds, Roxi felt every inch of her freeze up as alarm raced through her veins and overtook that luxuriously powerful feeling. In that moment, all she could think was

"Shit." The word escaped her in a rush of breath that nobody else heard, and Natasha's concerned look suddenly grew far more potent. Roxi's mind strayed to Tony, thousands of miles away in space. If what they thought was true, then that action could have consequences that she didn't know how to warn anyone of.

But as soon as Roxi saw the look on Natasha's face, she forced herself to relax, simply settling for a smile that held the least amount of fear that she could manage. Natasha didn't seem to buy it, and opened her mouth, a confused and slightly hurt expression crossing her face, as if to speak, but then they landed, and Roxi's attention transferred immediately to the ramp and what was outside, waiting for them. It was unintentional, but Natasha still found herself frowning at Roxi's back as she began to walk out and swiftly followed the woman, with full intent to continue her conversation, but the sight she was met with distracted her.

There stood T'Challa, next to whom Natasha presumed the head of his personal guard, the Dora Milaje, who also surrounded him, each holding a wicked-looking spear. Roxi had slowed her steps and Natasha fell into place beside her, glancing at the woman she loved, wondering whether to chase the tail of their last conversation, but deciding not to upon seeing the look of admiration and slight wonder on her face.

The Dora Milaje were certainly an impressive looking guard, Roxi decided, and their spears reminded her of her quarterstaff. She had neither version now. The first she'd lost years ago during the fall of SHIELD and the other had been taken after the incident at the airport. But now that she was on the ground, that wave of dread she'd felt had been taken over by that overwhelming potential for power. She would be able to do far more here than any other places she'd fought, even when her enemies had been made of metal in Sokovia. If they hadn't changed, the enemy forces would still be armoured in metal, too, and so for a while at least, Roxi let herself believe that they might be enough to stop this.

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