Chapter Twenty-One: One Hell of a Party

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Alex’s POV

I woke up to someone playing Live While We’re Young obnoxiously loud. I groaned and rubbed my face looking around the room expecting to see one of the boys standing there with their phone or something, blasting the music in my ear, but the room was empty. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion for a moment before I located the source of the music to be my phone. I forgot that the idiots had changed that to my ringtone.  I saw the name and once again got confused, but then I remembered.

They weren’t here.

I sighed and grabbed my phone, answering the call.

“What do you want from my life Zayn?” I answered grumpily. Today was their last full day here. They were gone tomorrow. And they weren’t even here. That and he had just waked me up.  I’m now a very grumpy person.

“To be loved by you.” He answered with a chuckle.  I couldn’t help but smirk at that. Idiot.

“Ha. Ahah. I see what you did there.” I commented. “But seriously what do you want. You woke me up.” I whined.

“You just woke up? It’s almost one in the afternoon Alex.” He observed.

“Well excuse me. Do you not remember that I was up until two thirty in the morning talking to Lou and Haz and then four talking to you?” I asked sarcastically.

“Yeah, and I still got my ass up at nine AM.” He responded like the smart ass he is. I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see me.

“Well that’s great for you.” I said and sat up. “So why did you call anyway?” I asked.

“I just missed you so much.” He stated simply. I shook my head. Full of sarcasm are we today?

“Cool. Why else?” I pressed and stood up, looking in the mirror. Oof… maybe it was good the guys weren’t here this morning.

“Well we were just wondering when you were going to head over here.” He finally got to the point.

“Uh… well I’m going to get ready and then I’ll do whatever my Mother asks me to do so she can’t bitch at me and not let me go, and then I’ll head over.” I explained.

“So… what time does that leave us at?” he asks.

“Probably around 4:30.” I stated.

“Okay. See you then Alex. Try and hurry.”

“Oh, I’ll try my best.” I said sarcastically.

“Good. See you soon.” He answered, ignoring my joking tone.

“Bye Zayn.” I said and hit the end button.

I stood there and tossed my phone on my bed before looking around really quick. “Well…” I said to myself. “Better get started.”

I immediately started to straighten out my room, making my bed and picking up my pillows from the floor before walking over to my closet and pulling out a simple pair of jeans and nice shirt to put on when I got out of the shower. I quickly scanned around my room to make sure everything was done before leaving to shower.

I turned the water on and jumped in quickly, washing my hair and body before turning it off and stepping out, wrapping a towel around me. I headed back to my room and put on my clothes, fixing my hair and putting on a light amount of makeup. When I was done, I stood up and looked at the time. A quarter to three. Okay, not that bad. I picked up my towels and hung them back up in the bathroom and made my way downstairs, phone clutched in my hand. Maybe there won’t be much for me to do and I can go. But knowing my mother, that’s a long stretch.

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