Chapter Seven: Oh Yeah, and There's School

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Alex’s POV

“Get up!” I heard someone snap and then a hand slam against the wall of my bedroom. I jumped and opened my heavy eyes and saw Cody standing in the doorway looking at me expectantly before walking out. It took me a second to realize what was happening. Oh yeah. I had school today.

“Mother Flippers…” I muttered and sat up, wiping my face. I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready.

The rest o the weekend with the boys had gone fast. The usual with Liam, joking and laughing with the boys, me becoming increasingly more suspicious about what was going on between Niall and Jules. I mean she said that she would always have her celebrity crush on him, but they were only close friends. However, something’s telling me Niall is feeling differently.

Either way, now the weekend was over and I had to go to school once again. And now, I’m pretty sure everyone knew about my friendship with the boys. This was going to be one hell of an adventure.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before returning to my room to get dressed and do my makeup. I only put a little bit on because I was too tired to really give a shit, as always. I brushed my hair and straightened it quickly. I grabbed my phone and iPod before shutting off my lights to my room and walking out making my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and started to get my bag together being that I had to catch the bus. My brother was a senior so he could drive me, but didn’t like to be seen with me because I was his little sister and that wasn’t ‘cool’. Yeah he’s a jerk, but I didn’t argue. I liked getting to unwind on the bus and a car ride with a sleep deprived and cranky Cody wasn’t my cup of tea.

“Well good morning sunshine.” I heard a deep chuckle. My eyes snapped up and landed on a shirtless Harry.

“Yeah, good morning.” I rolled my eyes at him. “And why are you walking around my house without a shirt on at 6:45 in the morning?” I laughed at him. He shrugged.

“I was awake and heard you down here so I got up and came in here.” He said as I it was obvious.

“I’m surprised any of you are up at this hour.” I said and grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and threw it into my bag.

“Well it’s only Louis and me.” He stated.

“Oh, so you two are having your bromance time?” I giggled with a wink.

“Indeed we are, but definitely in the most heterosexual way.” He returned my wink. I laughed as he referenced the song I had played for all of them yesterday. Bromance. I love that song.

“I’m telling you, when I first heard that song, you two were the ones that popped into my head. It fits you perfectly. Actually it fits all five of you perfectly.” I laughed.

“It does. Maybe if the fans heard it they’d stop blowing this whole Larry Stylinson thing out of proportion and accept that we are straight and let us be happy. That or they could take it as us admitting our love for each other.” He said, his facial expression switching from optimism to horror. I laughed again.

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