Chapter Twenty-Two: Gone

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Alex’s POV

I woke up to loud banging on the door. I opened my eyes groggily rolling over, trying to ignore it. Who the hell would be banging so loud on my door so early?

“Alex? Are you in there? Get up!” I heard the familiar accent. I tried to ignore it, but then my mind put everything together.

They were leaving today.

I tried to remember where I was when I realized I wasn’t at my house nor in Jules’s living room where we normally stay when I spend the night.  I sat up and looked around the room and recognized one of the guest rooms of her house.

And that was when everything hit me.

My night with Liam. The arguing, the confessing, the kiss, the… everything that followed. I bit my lip as I looked around the room. Liam was nowhere to be found. My jaw fell in disbelief.

He’s gone! After everything that happened last night he just leaves!

This was horrible. I should have expected this, I mean he left me after everything else. Whenever I seemed to be getting through to him he always turned his back on me, but this had to be different. He kissed me! He knew it was wrong, but he said he didn’t care. I knew I shouldn’t have let things go further than that, but I did anyway, like the idiot I was, but… he should still be here. He was here when I fell asleep! I was wrapped in his arms and everything was perfect. Things finally seemed to be falling into place for once…

“Alex!!” I heard another shout from Zayn outside the door. My head snapped up as I realized I still hadn’t said anything to him.

“I-I’m coming!” I called shakily, jumping up and running over to the door. Thankfully I was clothed despite what happened last night. I bit my lip as I felt the pang in my heart at the thought of it. It had to have been real. I mean, I wouldn’t dream something like that. That’d be too… creepy. I looked over towards the bed to see if I could find evidence of Liam’s presence. I saw the side of the bed he had been on messy. I bit my lip. I definitely hadn’t been there myself.

I turned back to the door and pulled it open.

Zayn stood there staring at me wide eyed, concern in them reflecting in them.

“Jesus Alex, I thought something happened to you! None of us have seen you since when you disappeared last night. We all crashed before you or Liam came back out to join us.” He rambled.

“S-Sorry.” I stuttered, trying not to sound too frazzled.

“What was even going on? What did you Liam say to each other?” He asked slowly, probably picking up on my hurt expression. I shrugged, quickly trying to come up with a lie.

“Nothing… I uhh… tried to work things out with him since you guys are leaving tomor- uh, today and we got… nowhere really, and he stormed out and I stayed in here to think for a bit and I must have fell asleep. I’m sorry.” I spoke quickly, hoping he didn’t find any faults in my story. I thought it over a bit and found it seemed pretty logical.

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