Chapter Fourteen: This May Be a Bad Idea

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Alex's POV

"What?!" Jules screeched looking between the three boys sitting on the couch with a horrified look on her face. I just stood there frozen, unable to talk or move.

"Why is she fucking coming?" Zayn muttered under his breath his eyes still locked on the ground.

"Yeah, why is she coming?" Liam asked, not sounding as happy as he should have. Louis, Niall, and Harry looked at everyone in shock.

"Why are you guys jumping down our throats?! We're trying to get Liam to smile for once since we've been here? Is that a crime? You don't even look happy mate!" Harry said frustrated, looking at Liam who looked slightly mortified himself. I was confused, but too shocked and... weak, to say anything.

"I-I..." Liam stuttered, blinking quickly, looking around the room, as if trying to come out of whatever daze he had been sent into. "I am... happy. I'm just surprised... I thought this was supposed to be time for us to... spend w-with Alex." he managed to stutter.

"It is." Niall muttered, not sounding happy. "But it's kind of hard to enjoy ourselves with you being a dick and pouting around all day." He continued on to say. Liam clenched his jaw.

"Listen, I didn't ask any of you to invite Dani here alright? I know you all hate her, so why the hell did you call her?" He snapped, rubbing his face with his hands.

"We just finished explaining mate! We want you to be happy! We want Liam back! I'm sorry for trying to do that." Louis yelled. I flinched. I hated seeing any of the boys get upset. Especially Lou. When he's upset, you know something is really bad.

Liam just looked down, placing his hands over the back of his head. "Aright..." he sighed. "I'm sorry for snapping... I really appreciate it guys. Thanks for this. I'm really... excited." he put on a smile, but I could tell it was forced. "Thank you." he said before standing up. I saw his gaze pointed in my direction. My eyes met his for a moment and I felt all of my feelings start to grow inside of me. My eyes started to sting and my breathing became heavier. Something flashed in his brown gaze in that moment, but I looked away before I could figure out what it was. I felt a single tear slowly slip out.


"I'm going to go and take a shower. Uh... Thanks again lads." Liam mumbled before walking out of the room. I clamped down on my lip hard and took a deep breath, moving my hair so it was covering my face.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" Jules screamed and slapped Niall across the shoulder a few times. He shrugged away from her and held up a hand in defense.

"We felt like we had no choice! We thought that maybe if he got to see her again he would at least smile, but now that we just told him all we got was a fucking attitude and fake appreciation!" Niall growled.

"I don't even want her to come..." Harry mumbled underneath his breath. "If he doesn't go back to normal thanks to this, I'm going to fucking kill someone." he grumbled and ran a hand through his curls. I continued standing there just staring at the floor.

"...Alex...?" I heard Jules's quiet voice come from the couch. I wiped my face and sniffled quietly before looking up. "How do you... uh... feel about this whole thing?" she asked slowly. "You've been quiet."

I just gulped and shrugged my shoulders. "Doesn't matter to me... the only thing is... there isn't any more room in my house for her to stay. I mean, she can sleep in my room or something and I can-" I started to go off, trying to focus on something other than the fact that she is going to be here.

"No. Hell no. She is not staying in your room, A." Zayn said coming over to me and placing a hand on my shoulder. A... that's something I haven't been called since Maddi passed away. I took a deep breath. "No way in hell. This is your house. Your room. You stay there."

It's More of a "Hate, Hate" Thing... (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now