Chapter Five: Batman Stops the Attitude

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Alex’s POV

“Time to wake up in the morning…” I heard voices sing melodically. I immediately shot up knowing where it was heading. I wasn’t letting it get to that point again.

“I’m up!” I shouted, my face almost colliding with Louis. His face was inches away from mine and his eyes widened in shock when I shot up. He quickly countered it with a flirty wink.

“Well hello Alex.” He chuckled. I felt my cheeks warm up in embarrassment and lowered my head back down to the pillow, groaning. I noticed the other four boys gathered around my bed while Louis was sitting on top of my legs.

“You party pooper. You didn’t let us finish the song. It’s our first morning back! We figured you’d have missed our good morning song desperately.” Harry whined dramatically. I rolled my eyes.

“This is the thing I missed the least about you all. Last time I let you finish your song, Zayn and Louis gave me at least ten different bruises from jumping on top of me and causing me to fall to the floor.” I said and shoved my face in the pillow trying to go back to sleep, but knowing it wasn’t happening.

“You didn’t fall to the floor, Liam caught you. Don’t make it sound worse than it is.” Niall rolled his eyes at me. I tensed at the memory of being pushed of my bed during their last visit when they had woke me up with their famous song. I had screamed, preparing myself to crash to the ground, but I felt arms shoot out and catch me before I could land. I had opened my eyes and come face to face with Liam’s chocolaty gaze. I shivered at the memory, even the thought of his soft eyes giving me chills. Whether they were good or bad I still wasn’t sure and I wasn’t even sure if I’d ever find out.

“Yes, cause that makes it so much better Niall.” I muttered crankily and buried my head deeper into the pillow avoiding the idea of looking at Liam and seeing his reaction to the memory. He was probably thinking about how he wished he had let me fall that day.

“It does, at least you didn’t bang that pretty face of yours.” Zayn said. I smiled and rolled over to face him.

“Nice try pretty boy.” I giggled shaking my head at him. He smirked and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and looked at the time. Nine in the morning. Too early for me. I was exhausted.

“How are you up so early?!” I groaned.

“The time difference love, not used to it yet. Couldn’t really sleep much.” Harry complained. I nodded and tried to wipe the sleep out of my eyes.

“Who even let you into my room? I put everyone on strict instructions to keep you five out of here while I was sleeping.” I stated and pushed the covers off of me.

“Your brother.” Louis shrugged.

“Cody.” I growled, narrowing my eyes. A few of the boys let out small chuckles. “So why did you wake me up anyway?” I asked them and stood up, heading over to mirror. God, I look like a wreck. I bit my lip and quickly brushed my hair and tried to make myself somewhat presentable. They all may be my friends, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are five famous and hot guys.

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