Epilogue: The Twitcam

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  • Dedicated to Nicole, Valerie, Sharon, Bridget, and m4ariya

Alex’s POV

I let out a frustrated groan as I chewed on the eraser of my pencil, staring down at the books strewn out in front of me on the bed. This made no sense. I hated math, I really did.

I reread the question for the bajillionth time, losing patience. I hate school so much. I thought high school was bad. Which it was, but right now, I really just wanted to throw this damn book out the window.

“Fuck you algebra!” I yelled at my book, throwing my pencil down and sitting up, running my hands over my face. I took a deep breath and looked back down at my work, trying to gain the patience to try it again.

I jumped when I felt arms slide around my waist, my heart racing. I heard the familiar chuckle and I relaxed a bit in his grip, calming myself down.

“Did I scare you?” he asked lightly in my ear.

“Yes!” I growled. He laughed a bit and kissed my cheek before moving me so there was room for him to sit next to me. “Seriously Li, how did you get in here? I didn’t even hear the door open.” I asked.

I was currently in his bedroom, at his flat, trying to finish some work for my classes on Tuesday, but as you can see I was having a bit of trouble.

“Maybe that was because you were too busy screaming profanities at your homework.” He chuckled mockingly. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Because this makes no sense! Honestly, why do I need to know how to solve freaking logarithms in my life? Ughh, I thought I was done with this when I passed the class in high school!” I continued to whine. He just shook his head at me, a smile on his face and amusement clear in his brown eyes. “It’s not funny.” I pouted.

“Sorry, A. You’re just cute when you’re irritated.” He said cutely, kissing my nose. I blushed a bit, his silly words still giving me the butterflies I had when we first met.

“Yeah, yeah, sure. Now leave me alone. This is why I never want to do work here.” I told him, pushing him away from me so I didn’t get anymore distracted. He pouted at me, and grabbed my arm as to not get pushed any further away.

“But today is the only day we had to ourselves this week. And besides, this is my bedroom.” He went back at me, poking his tongue out childishly. I rolled my eyes.

“But I have to get this done. Jules and I were going to do something tomorrow and I need to get this done before that.” I told him with a sigh. He gave me his big puppy dog eyes. Oh fuck you Liam.

“So you’re going pass up on Lial time to have a day with Jules tomorrow when you see her every day?” he asked with a pleasing look on his face.

“It’s not my fault you’re too busy being famous for me.” I shot back making a face at him.

“I have more time to spend with you than you have for me! I think you’re the one that’s too busy for me!” He protested, his voice going up the octave. I rolled my eyes.

It's More of a "Hate, Hate" Thing... (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now