Chapter Thirteen: A Day Away

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Alex's POV

The next few days passed normally for the guys. Of course there were the usual antics, late night attacks, early morning wake ups, Liam being a dick and avoiding me, and my favorite, Niall and Jules flirting more by the minute. It was becoming so obvious they liked each other, and I was scheming away to get them together before the guys left, but first I had to get Jules to admit to having actual feelings for him. I just had to get her away from him to do that.

I woke up to someone diving on my bed Wednesday morning. I was thankful that I had been able to sleep late today because there was no school for some religious holiday. I wasn't religious, but I thanked God for the extra day off.

I rolled over and groaned, cracking my eyes open slowly. I came face to face with Louis who was staring at me with round blue eyes, glimmering with excitement.

"Must you jump on top of me every morning to wake me up?" I asked angrily, trying to roll over and go back to sleep.

"Alex!" he whined. "Get up! I'm bored and hungry, so you can only imagine how annoying Niall must be right now." he chuckled. I let out a grunt of agreement before sitting up and brushing my messy hair out of my face. Louis sat up and gave me a victorious grin. I sighed and looked at the time. 7:45 in the morning. So much for getting to sleep late.

"It's too freaking early." I whined to myself and leaned over to get my phone off my bedside table. I had a few new texts.

To: Alex

From: Hazza

Get up, we're bored and Niall won't shut up :p


To: Alex

From: Nialler

Get. Me. Food!!!


To: Alex

From: Jules

I'm in your living room 0_o

Already? Damn that girl's fast. She wouldn't even be up this early if Niall wasn't here.

To: Alex

From: Zayn

That's it, we're sending Lou up. Good luck

I rolled my eyes at all of their texts. I can't believe they thought that I would keep my volume on when I slept. I'm not that stupid.

"You all have the attention spans of squirrels." I said shaking my head and running a hand through my hair again. I stood up and walked over to look in mirror behind my door. My hair was everywhere.

"Attractive, right?" I asked pointing at my hair with a sarcastic tone. Louis just shook his head at me before standing up and walking over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my forehead.

"Gorgeous. Always." he said with a soft smile.

"Thanks, Lou." I responded half heartedly, not really believing it completely. I was never known for my self confidence.

Louis knew that I didn't believe him, but he just give me a reassuring squeeze before letting go and walking over to my closet.

"I'm picking out your outfit for today." he said not asking for permission or waiting for a response. I looked at him in confusion, but just shook it off. I really shouldn't be surprised. This is Louis we're talking about.

I walked back over to my bed and sat down looking straight ahead at my desk on the opposite side of the room. My gaze locked with a picture of Maddi, Jules, and I on it. It was the last decent picture we had all taken at one of our friend's birthday party. Each one of us had gotten a copy of the picture. Jules and I had decided to put the Maddi's copy in her casket with her before she was buried.

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