Chapter Twenty-Five: Where Do I Begin?

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Alex’s POV

I saw relief on Liam’s face when he saw me and I wasn’t sure if it was because he was afraid that he was going to fall off of my roof or that he was relieved to see me. I’m thinking the first one as I had no idea why he would be relieved to see me.

Then again I don’t know why he’d be here if he wasn’t looking for me.

Okay I have no idea what’s happening at all.

“Open the window.” I heard his muffled voice through the glass. The overall state of shock I was in didn’t allow me to react to his command right away as I continued to stand there, staring at him through the glass barrier. Why the fuck was he here?!

“Alex Please.” He pleaded. I knew he thought it was because I hated him. Which I should. But of course, we all know that’s not the case. I saw his clothes ruffle as the breeze picked up a bit. I blinked quickly and shook my head before opening the window.

“What… What in the world are you doing on my r-roof?” I stuttered, stepping aside so he could come in. Yes I’m stupid. We all know this. But I couldn’t just let him stand on my roof. I didn’t want him to fall off. Well unless I was the one that got to push him.

“I-I…” he started, but stopped, scratching the back of his head. He let out a breath. “Where do I even begin?”

“Well you better hurry up before I push you back out the window and off the damn roof myself.” I snapped, my shock now fading a bit and allowing the anger to show. I still felt the pain in my arm from the cuts. The cuts that were there because of him. He looked at me and I saw confusion, pain, and worry among a bunch of other things reflecting in his brown eyes. “Answer my question Liam. Why the fuck are you here?” I growled, keeping my voice down because I’m still not supposed to be interacting with the guys at all and never mind the fact that I guy just climbed into my room through the window, I don’t think my mother would be too happy with that. I walked over to my bedroom door and locked it so no one came in, my back now facing Liam.

“I… fucked up. So badly it’s ridiculous.” He started.

“And how is that Liam? By reading that message I sent you in the first place? Or telling the others to come here? Or visiting this past month? Or kissing me and sleeping with me when you don’t love me?” I asked him full of hostility.

“N-No Alex, those weren’t my mistakes… except for sleeping with you, but the bad part of that was leaving you afterwards. I-I came here to apologize, to finally come clean and at least try… to make things right.” He stuttered out. I looked up at him, crossing my arms, attempting to hide my bloody sleeve that he hasn’t noticed yet. Thank God.

“How in the world do you think you’ll be able to set things right? It’s obvious what you want with your life. And I’m not in that equation at all. Go ahead Liam. Be happy.” I said.

“But I’m not happy.” He said, taking a few steps closer to me. I backed up as he did so. “I-I do want you in my life. So badly.” He admitted, sounding truthful. I started to let my defenses slip at the look on his face, but I immediately recalled all of the times that I had done that with him and it ended worse each time I did so. He was lying. He was just good at it.

It's More of a "Hate, Hate" Thing... (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now