Chapter Eight: Who Needs a Lawsuit

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Alex’s POV

“What took you two so long?” Lou asked when as we drove off. I just huffed and leaned my head against the window, ignoring his question.

“Some girls called us whores and Alex just had to know why.” Jules rolled her eyes.

“What? Why in the world would they call you whores?” Louis asked, his voice going high in shock.

“Because apparently we’ve slept around with all of One Direction.” Jules responded.

“That’s not true.” Louis pointed out the obvious.

“No shit. So Alex got mad and challenged three huge guys to hit her. And they were going to hit her. I promise you that.” Jules said sending a hard glare in my direction.

“That’s great for them. I’ll sue their asses faster than they can blink.” I shrugged. Lou’s gaze met mine through the rearview mirror.

“Alex, a lawsuit isn’t the answer there. The answer is to not get hit. They will do some serious damage by the sounds of them.”

“Fine, I’ll avoid them. Happy?” I asked just to get them to shut up. They both gave me a smile.

“Yes, you don’t need that shit.” Louis shrugged as we turned down my block.

“But they’re probably going to be hunting you down tomorrow.” Jules said sending a nervous look in Louis’s direction.

“I’ll be fine.” I sighed.

“Yeah you will. One of us will be at the school the minute school let’s out this way they won’t have time to have a little run in with you okay?” Louis said giving me stern look. I appreciated the protective act he was playing but I already had an older brother.

“You’re acting like someone has a gun and is waiting to shoot me.” I scoffed at them.

“Alex, I know those guys, I wouldn’t put it past them. You’re definitely in deep shit right now.” Jules said.

“You’re over reacting Jules.” I grumbled as we pulled into my driveway and got out of the car.

“No I’m not Alex.” She said in the same tone as me. I just rolled my eyes and stomped into the house. I would be fine it was just a few of stupid pothead jocks and there bitchy, slutty, girlfriends. I’ve dealt with people like this before. Then again I was with Kyle and Cody at the time, but still, I knew what to expect. And all that was, was a public humiliation, bullying, and a nice beating. Not that big of a deal. In the long run, I’d survive.

Most likely at least.

“Well someone seems to be in a great mood.” Niall muttered sarcastically. I gave him as well as the others who were sitting next to him on the couch a look as I walked past. Zayn stood up and followed me out.

“What’s wrong?” he asked quietly. He would be the only person I’d really talk to it about and he knew that, but I just wasn’t in the mood for too much talking.

“Bad day.” I muttered and immediately grabbed the books I needed for homework.

“Why?” he pressed.

“Because it’s school.” I shrugged.


“And the entire day I was just interrogated about you all, given a ridiculous amount of work as always, called a slut, and almost beaten.” I said in one long breath.

Slut?! Almost beaten? Why?” he asked sounding surprised and angry.

“Because I’ve apparently slept with all of you and then I gave the girl who called me a slut an attitude and her dick of a boyfriend threatened me.” I responded. “Any other questions?”

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