Chapter 1 - With The Police

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As my feet hit the pavement I tie my hair up into a messy bun and I slide round a corner into a dark alley. I bend over placing my hands on my knees to catch my breath. I then poke my head round the corner to see police cars drive right past me. I let out a small laugh as I slowly make my way down the alley to the next street over before making the small walk back to the flat.

-4 hours prior-
I crawl out of bed and walk into the living room to see the kids playing cludeo with John and Sherlock sulking in the corner. We hadn't heard from Moriarty in the last 2 weeks, so things have gone back to normal again for a short while anyway. I walk over to Sherlock and sit on his lap after kissing his cheek.
"Morning Sherl. What's the time?" I ask him, he lifts up his wrist to my eye level showing my his watch. 4pm. Well I'll be damned.
"Why did you let me sleep all day?" I ask him as I lean back watching John and the kids laugh about something.
"Because you haven't slept in the past 2 weeks so I let you lay in. Plus you will want the sleep. We heard back and we are due to meet in just under 4 hours now. Don't worry the kids are going to Johns to stay with Mary then John is coming back to go with us." Sherlock States then kisses my cheek before pushing me off to the ground and standing up. "Coffee?"
"Yes, but next time just ask me to stand up it would be a lot nicer of you" I huff before marching over to John and sitting with them while Sherlock goes to make me a coffee.
Once the kids are at Mary's with her and Molly, I finally feel a bit more at ease so I slip on my leather trousers, black tank top and leather jacket then put on my boots and hide my gun in my pocket. Sherlock slips on his coat, scarf and shoes before wrapping me up in a hug.
"If anything goes wrong. You promise me to run. Run as fast as you can, come back here, grab a bag and then run to Mycroft, okay? Promise me Mykala Holmes." Sherlock sternly pleads with me, his arms still wrapped tightly around my petite frame.
"I promise you Sherlock Holmes. As long as you do the same and make sure John stays safe okay? He may be my older brother but he isn't as smart as you and I. He needs protecting okay?" I say looking up at Sherlock, he nods his head and I lean up planting a kiss on his lips before turning and leaving Baker Street behind. We meet John outside, then catch a cab to take us to the building Moriarty told us to meet him at. As we reach it, we realise that it is Saint Barts and so I swallow the lump in my throat and walk up to the hospital with John and Sherlock following behind me.
When we are up on the roof, I look around and notice Moriarty sitting there smiling sickly to himself. I sigh before stomping up to him and lifting him up by his collar and then throwing him to the ground again when Sherlock and John approach.
"What do you want Jim. Money? Pleasure? A fun game? Because I am fed up of having to deal with you and your shitty games. Tell us what you want and I am pretty sure we can come to some conclusion that doesn't make me step on your face. You see I happen to be wearing boots, and you will look like an ant when I push you off the edge and I WILL step on you" I state while grinding my teeth. However he just lets out a laugh and slowly gets back up as Sherlock and John stand beside me.
"Oh darling, how I wish I wanted money... but I don't and unfortunately for you my explanation is just that I am bored. I have also left a nice little surprise for you as well, I'm not actually here!" He states as his body flickers a blue colour. Hologram. "I am a simple Hologram right now, also did you know that right now your finger prints are all over the Bank of England volts? Hmm? And the good old British police force are onto you as off... now" He states just as a bunch of police sirens start blaring from all over the city. "Dear old Mykala, you should know that, this game is just. for. you. to play. You better start running, the clock is running out of time. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock" The Hologram Moriarty smiles sickly before vanishing, I spin around and then face John and Sherlock.
"remember what we promised Sherlock okay? I am going to follow your instructions only. I love you okay, you remember that" I state and kiss Sherlock with such a passion I didn't even know I could do that, John then gives me a quick hug before I nod my head and salute and run down the stairs with them following behind and we exit the hospital to be swarmed by police. Sherlock and John gets taken away from me as I get pushed to the ground and cuffed.
"Here is one thing you should know-" I state before leaning too far forward and kicking the office so they crumple to the ground. I take his gun and slide out of the cuffs, I stand and pull out my gun as well holding them up to the police who all put their hands up. I send a quick wink to Sherlock who is being held by Lestrade before shooting the guns into the air which causes panic and enough commotion for me to run off away from the scene. As my feet hit the pavement I tie my hair up into a messy bun and I slide round a corner into a dark alley. I bend over placing my hands on my knees to catch my breath. I then poke my head round the corner to see police cars drive right past me. I let out a small laugh as I slowly make my way down the alley to the next street over before making the small walk back to the flat. God I hate the police.

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