Chapter 12: With family meetings

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I sit in the kitchen on my laptop as Sherlock sits in the living room interrogating some poor man about his ex or something. Boo and Jo sit across from me doing their homework for school. One of the few days when they're not at their grandparents but they're doing homework and their father is on a case. Typical. I look down at my own body noticing a few small changes before looking back up at my computer screen with answers up on my screen. I sigh knowing that I an going to have to reveal myself eventually but not knowing when the best time would be for any of this.
I get up, closing my laptop screen down before walking into the living room as the guy Sherlock was questioning leaves.
"Boys. Do you mind if I- I speak with you for a bit?" I ask my husband and my brother who have just finished their own conversation.
"Of course Mykala. What's wrong?" John asks me as Sherlock stares at me trying to figure out what I need to speak to them about. They both move and sit on the sofa with me facing them.
"Kids! Can you come here for a bit please!" I shout into the kitchen. Boo and Jo both come into the living room and sit between John and Sherlock.
"So lately I have been going through a change. It will change all of our lives even those who aren't here right now." Sherlock still stares at me confused as Boo looks very excited. "Now I want you all to not freak out or anything. But we are going to be welcoming a new person to the family" I smile at them while one of my hands goes to my slightly swollen belly. John stands up rather suddenly, for a second I think he is angry, but then he rushes over to me wrapping me up into a big hug. Soon after that Boo and Jo run over, joining in on the hug. I look over to the sofa to see Sherlock is sat there looking confused. I pull away from the others before walking over to sit on the coffee table in front of him. Placing a hand on his knee he finally comes back to reality and looks up into my eyes.
"Sherlock we're going to have a baby. I'm already 3 and a half months along" I smile at him, a tear slides down his face before he wraps me in a hug. I let out a little bit of a cry as he does so, as this is an unusual occurrence for him to do so.
"I'm going to be a dad again. This time I'll be here for you every step of the way. Nothing is going to happen to us this time." He weeps into my shoulder before leaning back and kissing me, then bringing the kids into the hug as well.
"I knew you were mummy, I saw you take a stick test and let out a happy cry" Boo smiles up at me. Sherlock's smile widens at how intelligent our children are and takes her in for a big hug.
"It's a boy. I know it is" Jo beams up at me as I laugh a little kissing his head.
As we are celebrating a bit as a family, a knock comes on the door and Detective Hopkins opens it then walks in.
"Uh, Sherlock ..." She says cautiously stepping into the room, seeing us all there.
"Borgia Pearl, boring, go." Sherlock replies very quickly, knowing exactly what she is here about. He stands up and pushes her towards the landing outside the door.
"Uh, but, uh ..." She mutters rather quietly.
"Go!" Sherlock near enough shouts before shutting the door, for it to immediately open afterwards with Greg appearing this time. Sherlock and I look to him in defeat.
"Greg now really isn't the time" I state to the greying man but he gives me a look as if to say it is important.
"Oh, this had better be good." Sherlock sighs as I usher the kids back into the kitchen and close the door between us. John and I stand either side of Sherlock as Greg stands opposite.
"Oh, I think you'll like it." Greg smiles as he pulls a clear bag from the paper bag he is currently holding. Inside it ate shattered pieces of white plaster, varying in sizes. Some pieces showing it to be a Thatcher bust. Sherlock reaches out and takes a hold of the bottom of the bag, surveying it closely.
"That is the bust, isn't it? The one that was broken." John surveys the bag himself closely, putting two and two together.
"No, it isn't. It's another one; different owner, different part of town. You were right! This is a ... this is a thing. Something's going on." Greg explains as Sherlock looks at the bag his gaze becoming intense.
"What's wrong? I thought you'd be pleased." Greg worries that it isn't enough of a case for Sherlock
"I am pleased." My husband states clearly.
"You don't look pleased." Greg says in reply, looking a bit defeated.
"Don't worry. That's his game face" I pat Greg on the back as I start sorting out the newspapers and magazines on the coffee table. Out of the corner of my eye I see Sherlocks gaze raise and let out a small breathy laugh.
"And the game is on." He and I say at the same time as each other.
"Okay you need to stop doing that. It gets really creepy" John says letting an intentional shiver overtake his body. I shrug my shoulders before walking to the kitchen and grabbing Sherlocks microscope, placing some of the plaster from the bust underneath it.
"Another two have been smashed since the Welsborough one: one belonging to Mr Mohandes Hassan ..." Greg explains as Sherlock examines it with John and I stood to the side.
"Identical busts?" John asks.
"Yeah; and this one to a Doctor Barnicot in Holborn. Three in total. God knows who'd wanna do something like this." Greg replies, sneaking a look at his watch.
"Yeah, well some people have that complex, don't they – an idée fixe. They obsess over one thing and they can't let it go." John pointedly looks down at Sherlock when he says this, I let out a small snicker which causes Lestrade to look at me strangely.
"No, no good. There were other images of Margaret ..." Sherlock pauses, then raises his head "... Margaret?"
"You know who she is." Exasperated I look pointedly at my husband.
"Thatcher present at the first break-in. Why would a monomaniac fixate on just one?" He picks up another piece of plaster with tweezers, finding it interesting. "Ooh."
"What?" John and I both ask at the same time.
"Now we're doing it" John states to me, I let out a small laugh as I stick my tongue out at him.
"Blood. Quite a bit of it too." He puts he plaster under the microscope and then proceeds to look at that. "Was there any injury at the crime scene?" He asks then looking up at Greg.
"Nah." Greg looks at his watch again.
Sherlock turns away in thought. "Then our suspect must have cut themselves breaking the bust." He puts a piece of plaster into a small plastic bag. "Come on"
"Holborn?" Lestrade questions Sherlock as he stands.
"Lambeth" I reply for my husband knowing exactly what he was going to say.
"Lambeth. Why?" Lestrade questions Sherlock and I.
"To see Toby." Sherlock replies with a slight smile on his face.
"Ah right. Who?" John questions us, grabbing his jacket too.
"You'll see." I chuckle slightly.
"You coming?" John asks Greg, turning to the greying man completely.
"No. He's got a lunch date with a brunette forensic officer that he doesn't want to be late for. And before you ask the right sleeve of your jacket plus the formaldehyde mixed with your cologne and your complete inability to stop looking at your watch." I explain as John also looks very confused. "Have fun though"
"I will." Greg heads for the door leading to the landing as Sherlock sends a quick text.
"Trust me, though, she's not right for you." Sherlock says, I smack him on the shoulder to get him to stop.
"What?" Greg stops at the door and turns to us.
"She's not the one." Sherlock explains his theory.
"Well, thank you, Mystic Meg" Greg says before leaving and closing the door behind him.
"How'd you work all that out?" John asks us both with curiosity.
"She's got three children in Rio that he doesn't know about." Sherlock replies, typing out something on his phone.
"Are you just making this up?" John questions looking absolutely baffled.
"Possibly." I reply for Sherlock.
"Right are we going? Why haven't you got your jacket on?" Sherlock turns to ask me. I stare at him waiting for him to realise that the kids are here and that I am pregnant. However after a good few seconds I realise that he has actually forgotten.
"The kids are in the kitchen and a third is on the way. I'm sitting cases out for now" I smile at him, I pick up his scarf and wrap it around his neck kissing his cheek after doing so. "I love you" I smile up at him.
"I love you too" He smiles back down at me planting a kiss on my lips before leaving.
"Who's Toby?" I hear John ask Sherlock as they walk down the stairs, I close the door behind them laughing slightly to myself.

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