Chapter 15: With Physcopaths

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My eyes slowly open from my nap, I look to my side to see Sherlock sleeping as well, I start to smile to myself but hear the door open to see John walking in carrying my new born baby.
"Hey, you're awake. Little baby Holmes was getting a bit lonely down in the new born room. Thought I'd bring her to come see her mummy and daddy" John coos down at his niece, I smile at my brother as he hands her over into my arms.
"Thank you. Where's Mary?" I ask him while smiling down at my daughter, her eyes staring back up at me.
"She is down in the cafe getting some food with Jo and Boo. Have you thought of a name yet?" John questions me, I look across to my stirring husband.
"No, I'm waiting for him to wake up again. I quite like the idea of Frenchie, but I don't think Sherlock will go for that" I laugh as does John.
"No I certainly won't when a clear choice for a name is staring right at us." I hear Sherlocks voice, I glance over at him before he gestures towards the window that looks into the room. There looking into the room is Mrs.Hudson with jo and boo, Mary and Molly stood just behind them.
"We can't call her Mrs Hudson Sherlock!" I hit his arm gently as I let out a laugh.
"No but we can call her Martha. Mrs Hudsons first name" Sherlock quips back, I smile down at my daughter realising that it is in-fact a lovely name.
"I like it, Martha Joan Holmes." I state looking back up at Sherlock and planting a kiss onto his lips.
"I hate to do this, but I need to go. I won't be long" Sherlock says kissing me once again, leaning down and kissing Marthas head before heading out the room to give Jo and Boo a hug and kiss before darting out of the hospital.
"Right John go home, take your wife and kids. Get some rest" I smile to my brother, he looks at me thankfully before leaving the room after kissing my forehead. When he leaves Mrs Hudson, Jo and Boo enter the room.
"Mummy! Have you named it yet?" Jo asks jumping up onto the end of my bed along with Boo as Mrs Hudson sits down in the chair next to me.
"Yes we have, meet your little sister, Martha" I smile at the children before turning to see Mrs Hudson crying.
"Oh I'm so happy. Thank you" Is all she manages to say before I pass her the baby and she begins to cry again. After sitting there talking with the children and Mrs Hudson, Mycroft stands at the window, I gesture for him to enter so he does.
"Little baby holmes? Verdict on the name?" Mycroft smiles and asks the kids the question.
"Martha Joan Holmes, sir." Boo says saluting her Uncle as Jo bows his head slightly.
"Ah good verdict. Now clear out, I must speak with your mother" Mycroft says, the children laugh at this but I quickly gesture for them to come to me.
"Remember no matter how many brothers and sisters mummy and daddy give you, we both love you very much. Me especially, remember that okay?" I smile at them, they nodd their heads just before I kiss them and tap their backs to leave the room. They quickly leave laughing to themselves as they go.
"Give Martha here Mrs Hudson, go look after the kids" I smile at the woman who hands over Martha.
"So what is it Mycroft?" I ask my brother in law as I swing my legs off the bed.
"We need to go to the Aquarium. Now. Sherlock and Mary are in danger." He states bluntly, I turn to look at him then look down at my daughter. I pull the red cord next to my bed and a nurse alongside Molly comes rushing in.
"Take Martha back to baker street with boo, jo and mrs hudson. I discharge myself and my baby. There will be a doctor with us at all time. Don't bother disagreeing because I am the government." I state standing up with Martha in my arms.
"Mummy loves you lots and lots babygirl" I state kissing her forehead before handing her off to Molly. As she leave the room a tear falls down my cheek. I hate leaving my children with other people. I quickly pull on some clothes before Mycroft and I rush down to his private car that starts driving off to the Aquarium.
When we get there, we walk through the park trying to find Sherlock and Mary. I hear Sherlocks voice before I see him.
"Pets do that, or so I'm told, and there's clearly no-one new in your life, otherwise you wouldn't be spending your Friday nights in an aquarium. That probably accounts for the drink problem, too: the slight tremor in your hand, the red wine stain ghosting your top lip. So yes. I say jealousy was your motive after all – to prove how good you are" At that moment we walk in through the entrance, Vivians gaze locking onto us but Sherlock doesn't move a muscle.
"to make up for the inadequacies of your little life." Sherlock finishes of, Greg enters the room followed by three police officers.
"Well, Mrs Norbury. I must admit this is unexpected." I state rather plainly, not letting any emotion cross my voice.
"Mykala. Leave now." Molly turns to face me but as she does Sherlock continues his taunting.
"Vivian Norbury, who outsmarted them all. All except Sherlock Holmes." Sherlock sarcastically states, taking a step forward and holding out his left hand, at this we all take a step forward.
"There's no way out."
"So it would seem. You've seen right through me, Mr Holmes." Vivian retorts.
"It's what he does. Apparently" Mycroft half mutters to himself, however the whole room hears it. Vivian tilts her head to the side still looking at Sherlock.
"Maybe I can still surprise you." She swiftly brings her gun up and aims it at Sherlock.
"Come on. Be sensible." I state taking a few steps forward so I am 2 steps from Sherlock incase anything happens. Sherlock holds his hands out to the side but Vivian shakes her head.
"No, I don't think so" She states, I see her finger pull back the trigger and as she does so I quickly push Sherlock out of the way, taking the bullet into my lower chest instead, I instantly fall to the floor. Sherlock drops next to me as Vivian gets escorted by the police officers out of the building.
"Mykala, everything is going to be alright. It's all going to be fine okay? You'll get through this- we'll get through this." Sherlock says, one hand pressing on the wound as the other cups my face. I hear four other people crouch beside me. I look around to see Mary, Greg, Mycroft and John.
"I love you guys. Look after my children okay. Look after the flat. Mycroft? make sure the government runs properly. John? You aren't a bad guy, make sure you never cock up your marriage. Mary? I love you to bits, you're the best Sister-in-law I could've asked for. Greg? No matter what anybody calls you, Graham, George, Grog, you'll always be the best Greg I knew and lay off the donuts" I smile at them as Greg lets out a small laugh before patting my hand.
"Sher? I love you. Make sure the kids know that I love them so very much and that I will always be looking down on them. I'm happy I got to spend my life with you Sherlock, I couldn't have asked for anything better." I smile up at my husband, my eyes fluttering as I lightly reach up and touch his cheek. "I love you Sherlock Holmes."

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