Chapter 16 - With Epilogues

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Crying could be heard throughout Baker street for days, weeks, months and years. So could laughter, shouting, screaming and violins. That was what made it home. At least for the most that lived there. For Sherlock, it was a place where he could still feel her presence and love of the one he had lost. He mourned, he mourned for a long time, in fact he still does. Never quite moving on he still had her dressing gown hanging up in the bedroom along with her coat on the door. Just now her coat was joined by several others, his, his 3 children's, John's, Mary's, their kids and of course all of their children's children.
It was at times like these that Sherlock would think of Mykala, how she would have loved to meet her grandkids and great-nieces and great-nephews. It was times like these, 25 years after the death of Mykala Watson-Holmes that they all thought of her.
"Here's to mum! I may not have met her but that doesn't mean I don't know and love her. May she live on forever in all of our hearts." Martha raised her glass of wine her arm wrapped around her siblings before moving from them and turning to her fiancée, giving her a kiss, bringing a smile to all of their faces.
"Most importantly though, here is to the both of you, congratulations on getting engaged!" Boo raised her glass, smiling at her younger sister happily as Jo looked at his father wistfully.
"Dad? Can you tell us that story about mum again, the one with the ninjas?" Jo asked his father, of course Sherlock obliged and proceeded to tell the story about his wife and the ninjas, over exaggerating the story ever so slightly to amuse the young children in the room about their grandmother and great-aunt.
They shared and swapped stories about all the people they loved, ones about Sherlocks parents who had passed on both very peacefully a few years ago, some very exotic ones that had to be toned down about the late Mrs Hudson who had left everything to Sherlock in her will when she passed on due to a stroke a couple months back. That one had made an impact on the family, especially the young Martha Holmes.
Day turned into night in London and before he knew it, his children and grandchildren were waving to him from the street below along with all the Watsons and Lestrades (meaning Molly and Greg, who finally sealed the deal.) leaving a greying Sherlock Holmes all by himself again.
Making his way to his bedroom, passing the experiments from the day before in the kitchen, some habits die hard I guess, and entering the cold room. He walks over to his laptop for the 9,132nd time and plays the video message that was left for him.

"Hello Sherlock,
If you're seeing this it means I'm dead. I'm sorry that I didn't last as long as you did, or hey maybe I did and you don't ever have to see this video. Currently I am filming this in my new flat. I had to leave Sherlock. It wasn't good for me to be around you, it was too dangerous but now I can't come back because you see, I'm pregnant. Now you may already know of this when you see this video but you may not and I want you to know that I love you. I always will. These kids I'm having will love you and you will love them, I'm sure of it. If you have met the kids by the point of you seeing this, I hope that we are together again Sherlock because being here without you, it's torture. Anyway, my death, it wasn't your fault so stop thinking that it is. You need to stop beating yourself up about it, I know you will. I want you to move on, look after the kids, look after John and Mary, if they even lasted this long, and don't worry about anything okay? Now listen to me carefully, there's a box under the loose floorboard by the wardrobe, in it you'll find a keepsake box. If I do return I will keep it updated with all the little things of myself to remind you of me, to remind the children of me and hopefully someday our grandchildren of me. I love you Sherlock Holmes." The video stops itself as Sherlock lays in his bed, the box strewn out beside him with little things surrounding it, a pair of baby booties, a tuft of hair, pictures and a little pressed flower from her trip to china along with a singular pearl.
"Dad?" A voice echos throughout the flat, footsteps following the voice as it gets nearer to the bedroom. "Dad? I forgot to make sure you took your bedtime medicine." The voice says as it opens the door to the bedroom, Boo's head pops round the doorway as she looks into the room to see her dad on the bed and her mothers face on the screen.
"Dad? You need to stop watching this video excessively it's not good for your health." She says taking it off the laptop screen before walking over to her fathers side. "Dad? Dad wake up. Dad!" She cries out shaking her father side to side to try and get a response but nothing follows the shaking.
"No dad, I can't lose you too. Dad..." She cries as she tries to find a pulse but nothing beats. She shakily pulls out her phone dialling her brothers number.
"Jojo? He's gone. Get the family here, he's gone." She cries down the phone before hanging up, throwing her phone to the floor before crying while resting her head on her fathers chest. "I love you dad"

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