Chapter 5 - With tracking down Sherlock

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After staying up all day and night for 3 days, I finally decide to stop researching into the gang which took Sherlock and take a quick nap.
Upon waking up, I look around the room only to notice the flowers sitting on the bed side table. Jerking upwards, I get out of bed and open up my laptop. I quickly type into Google 'flower shop in Beijing that sells black lotus flowers' and press search. I scroll through until I come across the desired result letting out a huff of breath before unloading my suitcase to get dressed.
I slip on my black skinny jeans, white floral blouse with my tan coloured trench coat, accompanied by black boots and Sherlocks blue scarf. I grab the gun from the security proof compartment, putting it into the waist band of my jeans and then putting a second and third one inside my boots. I turn around looking in the mirror to double check you can't see my concealed weapons before tying my hair into a ponytail, grabbing my phone and leaving my hotel room.
I pull my phone out my pocket and start typing out a message to my brother.
'John, I am onto Sherlocks where abouts. I need you to hack into a flower shops security cameras real quick for me. Don't tell anyone.' I quickly send the text along with the flower shops details and hop into a cab.
Pulling up in the small narrow street, I spot the shop and quickly pay the cabbie before slowly walking down towards it.
'I've hacked it. Cameras are disabled and showing a continuous loop of videos for them. You have around 30 minutes until they notice. good luck. come home safely' John replies as I walk up to the shop confidently and swiftly take out the staff within it along with one citizen after apologising. I go into the back room holding my gun out steadily before creeping towards a door that probably leads to where Sherlock is being held captive.
I briskly open the door, thankful that it didn't creak as I make my way through the hallway and down a set of stairs, only having to knock out one other person. As I reach the end of the stairs I hover around quickly listening for any sound.
"Tell us where the pearl is Sherlock Holmes" Someone with a Chinese accented voice spits to another, who I presume is Sherlock.
"I told you, I don't know" Sherlock states and as soon as he does so I hear a crack of a whip and a groan of pain. I lean forward to look around the corner to notice Sherlock tied up by his arms and kneeling on the floor, topless. Red marks along his torso and stomach as his breathing increases to hold back anymore cries of pain. I take a step forward which was a mistake as it knocks a rock, before I can step behind the wall it is already too late as everybody in the room turns around to see me, including Sherlock.
"Well, this is awkward" I calmly reply before pulling out another gun and preparing for a fight. However, as I go to shoot one of them, someone disarms me from behind causing me to drop the guns. They push my face against the wall and hold my hands behind my back before cuffing them together. They sit me on a chair beside Sherlock as they also quickly pull him onto one as well to tie us to them.
"You come here to rescue me and the first thing you say is 'well this is awkward'?" Sherlock questions, a smirk plays on my lips as I look over to him.
"What can I say, I'm just like my brother" I smirk as he looks towards me as well, his blue eyes full of love, pain and tiredness.
"How long have they been torturing you?" I sympathetically ask him, desperately wanting to reach out and hold him.
"Since I got here, I presume about a week. How's Mycroft? The kids? John? Mary?" Sherlock asks me, I just shrug my shoulders the best I can and look down at the cemented ground beneath us.
"Well Mycroft has had more work done on his teeth, kids are fine I haven't seen them much and John and Mary are fine. I have hardly seen any of them. Sherlock, you've been gone more than one week. You've been gone a whole month Sherl" I whisper to him, his head bows down before he picks it up again when we hear footsteps.
"Where is your pearl necklace, please say you didn't bring it with you?" Sherlock suddenly demands and I look to him in shock.
"Sherlock, I am wearing the bloody necklace now. Please tell me that they don't want the big pearl on the right side of it...." I beg my husband, he just looks to me in sorrow before I let out a sigh of fustration.
"If they had found out and I didn't come here, the kids could be in danger! You and I, when we get out of here, are having a very long chat about what we should be telling each other. On the topic of that, I accidentally shrunk your favourite purple shirt" I state, Sherlock goes to shout at me but gets stopped when the people walk into the room.
"Ahh, the lovely Holmes couple. It's a shame that if you don't tell us where the pearl is that you're both going to have to die" The woman sickly smiles at the both of us, I smirk up at her and spit at her shoe. Suddenly, I feel a whip on my shoulder but I sit there like I felt nothing.
"You will never get that pearl" I say to the petite woman standing in front of us.
"Oh really? It's on her necklace, take it from her" I struggle against the restraints as they rip the necklace off my neck and hold onto the bigger pearl.
"Well, looks like we will get that pearl and we just did. Kill them both, we don't need them now" The woman says walking off with the pearl, safely in her hand. I slump in my chair defeated knowing there is nothing we can do to get out.

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