rock, paper, scissors

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-double digits babyyyyyy
The introduction does not fit the characters now. I said Y/n was very extroverted but after what happened on the expedition I just thought I would change her. Levi had become a lot closer to Y/n and is less introverted. I just wanted to address that.

•Levi's POV, Trost•

I had arrived in Trost and now I just had to find her and apologize.

I was just walking around, in this very dirty town, that I do not want to ever live in.

Disgusting germs.

I heard a woman scream from around the corner. It sounded a lot like Y/n.

"Suffer, you worthless piece of shit," She yelled at him while kicking him.

"Levi?" She asked and stopped kicking him.

Her voice seems so calm for someone who just beat the living shit out of someone.

She looked hurt. Like the time when she caught me.

She ran over to me and she slapped me in the face.

"Y/n please forgive me. It was a mistake and I tried to stop the thing Emilia and I had but I was forced. She kept asking for more and I swear I never enjoyed it. I regret it so much. I want to be with you." I stopped for a second so I could see her face.

I saw her smile as she took my hand. It's like she enjoyed seeing me apologize. 

She still hasn't said a word to me. It kind of makes me worried. Is she okay? Stupid, of course, she isn't.

We walked into the house and I saw that everything was clean. I mean some spots needed more cleaning but it was fine.

"Levi, do you want tea?" She asked. I nodded and she went over to the kitchen. I sat down in the chair and patiently waited for her to come back.

She came back with two teacups in her hand. She gave me one of them and she sat down in the chair next to me.

It was silent but comfortable. I miss being in our office and just doing paperwork when everything was just fine between us.

"Why did you come here?" She asked not showing any emotion.

"I had to apologize to you," I replied.

"I'm not going back to the squad for a while. No matter how much you try to push me." She sighed.


It was about 9 pm at the moment and knowing Y/n, she is not planning on going to bed. 

"Do you want to play a game?" She asked as she sat next to me on the couch.

"Sure. What do you want to play?" I responded. "Rock, paper, scissors? The winner gets the bed." She cheered. She had cheered up a little bit. She said she would let me stay over for the night as it was pretty late and I was under the influence of alchohol.

"Fine. But you get the bed anyways. I'll take the couch since I'm a guest." I sighed. She nodded and we started.




"Ha, I won." Y/n cheered. "Let's do it again."

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