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The things in bold are things that if you want to, can skip.

-Levi's POV-

The two suspicious people came closer but I had quickly realized they weren't enemy's. It was Moblit and Hange. But, they had someone else with them. I couldn't see who it was so I just ignored it. 

Moblit and Hange pulled down their hood and gave us a newspaper. The third person still hadn't taken their hood off. Mhm weird. 

We read it together and everyone was in shock. 

"And there you have it. The coup d'état was successful. Premier Zachary has control of the capital and administrative district. For the time being, the nobility hasn't rebelled." Hange explained. 

Erwin had been going through all that for an amazing thing. Now we just have to crown Historia queen when we get her and Eren back. 

"What about the Boss Reeves incident?!" Armin asked Hange. 

"We got a confession that proved the charges unfounded. His son Flegel pulled through big time." She answered. 

"Just like it's written there, it shows the charges were bogus, they abused their power, and that King Fritz was a total fake! All our actions were justified self-defense. In other words, we're free people now!" Hange pointed to the newspaper I had in my hand.

Everyone jumped out of happiness as they didn't have to live in fear of getting arrested anymore. Even though that is like the least of our concerns at the moment. 

 "No this can't be..." I heard the Inferior Policeman say to himself. 

"Looks like the gamble paid off..." I said to Hange.

"Yeah. It wasn't just Erwin though. The lone choices of many managed to change the world."

"And I managed to kill the three people you loaned me. I'm sorry..." I apologized. "The thing is, part of the Inferior Police, their leader... Eren and Historia are somewhere else if we don't find them soon..."

"I may have a clue about that... Let's get there and put an end to this battle." Hange said as she showed us a book and grabbed the person with the hood over their head. 

They still hadn't pulled it down. And Hange didn't pull it down either. She would have done that by now to tease them.

We went to our carriages and started riding towards the location that Eren and Historia might be. I was on a carriage with Armin, Hange, Mikasa, and the mystery person. 

"Hange... Do you know where they are?" Mikasa asked.

"Yeah... I'll explain. Erwin gave me this Scout Investigation report regarding Lord Reiss' land. Most of it has to do with an incident five years ago that shook up the Reiss Family."

"Five years ago?" Armin mumbled. 

"Right... On the day Wall Maria was breached. I'll summarize the important bits from the beginning. As the Lord of this territory, popular opinion of Rod Reiss wasn't all that bad. He had five children, and his eldest daughter Frieda was a down-to-earth girl that even peasants adored. But that night, five years ago disaster struck."

"With the world having plunged into pure chaos some bandits raided and set fire to the only chapel around. Unfortunately, that night,  the entire Reiss family was there praying together. And so, the whole family, except for the head of the house Rod Reiss... was massacred that night by bandits." 

"To top it off, this incident occurred just a few days before Historia's mother was killed by the Interior Police. In other words, immediately after losing his family, Rod Reiss sought out Historia. There must be a reason his lackeys are after Historia." Hange explained.

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