W̸h̵a̷t̸ ̵i̶s̸ ̴g̵o̸i̷n̵g̸ ̶o̶n̶?̴: Ch 21

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Error's pov:

I saw Nightmare looking for something with a panicked face. He's never panicked, something must be really wrong. I yelled out to Nightmare "Nightmare! What's wrong?" He looked at me, still panicking, and said back "Killer is gone!!" My eyes widened. I responded with "Ink's gone too!" Nightmare walked over to me and said "We need to find the others and stick together, who knows what is coming after us." I nodded my head and we both went to go find the others. I found Dust who was panicking pretty badly. I yelled at him "Dust!! Over here!!" He saw us and ran to us. He said in a panicked voice "Do you know where Blue is?!" We shook our heads. Nightmare said "Ink and Killer are missing too, we need to stick together." Dust nodded his head.

We walked off and were easily able to find the pissed and terrified Fell. Dust said "Sans is missing too?" Fell glared at us and said "Yea?! Not like you would care!! You got your boyfriends so just go to them!!" I said "They're missing too, we need to stick together to find out whatever the hell is going on." Fell grumbled a bit before coming up to us. We heard Horror yell "LUST?!" Out of hope that he found them we ran to him, he didn't find them, but he found some blood. Me being an expert on finding out who's blood it is, I walked over to it. I sniffed the air and realized it was Killer's blood. The most terrifying part is it was right outside Nightmare's door. I said "That isn't Lust's blood..." Everyone sighed in relief. I said "That's Killer's blood... and by the looks of it, he was dragged out of the room and not in..." Everyone's eyes widened. It was almost impossible, Killer got hurt and was dragged out Nightmare's room?! Nightmare 100% would've noticed! But he didn't...

Horror said "Can I come with you guys?" Nightmare said "Yes, but stay close..." Nightmare was getting pissed off at whoever did this, nobody could calm him down like Killer could so we had no idea what to do. We continued walking, we found some blood outside of everyone's door, they  all had the smell of their mate. We found Cross, he looked like he was handling it well but I could tell he was panicking. He didn't even say anything, he just followed. I could tell he was not in the mood to talk or anything because he had his mask up.

But... something didn't seem right with Cross, he would've asked where Dream is. He wouldn't be like this in this kind of situation. He would never just follow us without asking or being told to. Even more, Horror seems to keep a small distance away from him. We have a signal, if Horror licks the right side of his mouth it means that somebody in the group isn't really that person. Horror licked the right side of his mouth and I saw that, I stopped dead in my tracks and everyone gave me a questioning look, everyone but Cross who just stopped as well. Nightmare said "What is it Error?" I looked at the fake Cross and said "Who are you?" Everyone looked at me confused, they looked at Horror who was glaring at Cross. Usually Horror doesn't glare at people, when he does it means that he doesn't trust the person, but he trusts Cross a lot.

The imposter pretending to be Cross giggled and said "Didn't think you would find out so soon~"


The person pretending to be Cross glitched away, everyone was way more on guard now. We began to walk again, we looked for any sign that someone was acting weird. Soon, we saw Cross come running to us. Horror trusted him and I could tell this was actually Cross. Cross didn't stop or slow down though, he just said "RUN THE OTHER WAY!! YOU DON'T WANNA SEE THAT TERRIFYING SHIT!!!" Nightmare caught him with one of his tentacles and said "What are you talking about Cross?" Fell said in a mocking tone "Did you see a coooow~?" He laughed afterwards, I could tell it wasn't a cow. But if wasn't a cow, what scared Cross? Horror's eyes widened and he said "Guys... There's blood over there, and by the smell of it... there's a lot of blood..." We all got more scared.

I took a deep breath and walked over there, the others followed. Nightmare let Cross go but Cross quickly hid behind Horror. We made it to the spot, what we saw made us terrified of what is going on. There was a huge blood puddle in the middle of the hallway, in the middle of it was a huge pile of flesh. The flesh was not human, monster or animal though, but it resembled monster and human flesh. It looked like it was fresh, it was still even dripping with the blood of the creature. It looked almost alive and like it was breathing, it had bloody bones sticking out of the flesh. Nightmare said "Oh hell nah, fuck that!" We all quickly left it.


We continued to walk down the hall and something seemed off. After a while of walking Horror said "Shouldn't we have reached the living room by now?" I nodded my head in agreement. Nightmare said "This doesn't feel right." Fell said "Yeaaaa, I'm going to outertale." He tried to make a portal, but nothing happned. Cross said "I don't think we're in the bad sanses mansion anymore..." We all agreed, we continued to walk. We realized that all the doors, windows and halls were different. We saw that the windows led to outside, but it wasn't the outside we knew. It looked like a normal night there, it looked exactly like the night in the bad sanses mansion. However, it wasn't right, it didn't feel right, it didn't feel like our home.

That's when it hit me... wasn't it the middle of the day? How could it be night? Where are we? What universe is this? Is this even an AU... or is this another dimension? What was that creature back there? What was it made of? It wasn't any flesh, bones or blood that we've ever seen because otherwise Horror would want to eat it. What is going on?








Where are our friends and what took them...?

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