fluff: Ch 14

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Ink's pov:

I woke up in Error's chest. He was hugging me in his sleep. I smiled and leaned closer into him not wanting to wake him. I closed my eyes again and continued to snuggle him.

Then my urge started to rise. I wanted to get up, yet Error looked so peaceful. I decided to put the strong urge aside for now. Error started to open his eyes and look at me.

I pretended that I was asleep. He then said "Ink, I know you're awake." I froze. I opened my eyes to look at him and he looked at me with a sympathetic face.

"S-sorry!" I said. "Don't be." He said. I got up from the snuggling and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door and made it so nobody could unlock it or teleport in.

I the opened the bottom cupboard and pulled out a knife. I pulled up my sleeve and pressed the knife to it. I started to cut my arm. Over and over and over again.

I then heard a knock on the door. I just continued to cut. I heard Error yelling my name. I continued. I heard Error's footsteps running away. Then I heard his and another's footsteps run over. I heard Nightmare yell "Ink! Open the darn door! Error heard the sound of a knife!" I froze, but soon continued.

I then stopped as I heard the door knob turning. I quickly put the knife back and pulled down my sleeve. My arm was still bleeding and was bleeding through the sleeve. The sleeve was dark enough however so it was kind of hard to see it.

I opened the door to see a very angry Nightmare and a worried Error. I waved and then took a run for it. I ran past them and out the door. I ran down the hallway. I couldn't fly because there was still a gaint hole in my wing.

Suddenly a yellow glowing tentacle launched at me. I tried to run but it caught me. It was Dream. Nightmare went to his brother and thanked him. Dream let go of me and transformed out of his shattered form while Nightmare held me with his own tentacle.

Nightmare yelled at me "Why were you running?! ...and why is your arm wet?... Ink, did you do it? Did you do it?!" He found out. I just looked down giving up trying to escape.

Nightmare looked furious but sighed. He calmed himself down and took me back to my room. He went into the bathroom that was attached to my room and said "Show me where it is." I nodded and he let me go. I went to the bottom cupboard and opened it, pulling out a blood rusted knife with fresh blood on it.

Nightmare took the knife from me and threw it out the window, the window was opened so it didn't shatter. I looked down. Nightmare was always looking out for me when he could.

I then felt a horrible feeling of negativity. I rushed past Nightmare and down the hall to where it was coming from. I kept running until I found the source. It was Error, and he was using a window in my room.

He turned his head to look at me and started to yell "Why would you do that Ink?! Why would you do that to yourself?! Answer me! I said answer me you spawn from hell!" I knew he didn't mean it, but those words made my eyes tear up.

I knew he couldn't stop himself, but it hurt so much. I quickly ran over to him and hugged him. Before I could get to him, he slapped me. I didn't stop, I kept running to him. I finally got to him and started hugging him. He tried pushing me off but I didn't let go.

I kept hugging him while taking his negativity away and consuming it. I finished it up and started to fall from exuashtion. He had so much negativity that it was hard, but I needed to save him before he became corrupted like me.

Error's wings spawned again as he caught me. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry!" Error said. I laughed out of breath "It's fine, I'm just a little tired, you had so much, glad I gotcha in time." I said. I hugged him and would not let go.

I'm just hurting the people around me, I need to stop, I need to get away from them all. Nightmare must've read my mind because he said "Don't even think about it." I looked down but continued to snuggle Error.

"Get a room ya two!" We all heard Lust scream. He was staying with us while he healed and he promised to behave. He would make flirty jokes at some points, but he wasn't hurting anyone so we allowed it.

Error then said "Ok~" I started blushing like crazy as Error picked me up and flew to my room. He closed the door and locked it with his magic. He pinned me on the bed and leaned down.

I blushed even more and froze. He then started to kiss me. I kissed back not wanting him to be mad. I then held onto his neck and pulled him down onto of me.

He giggled and held my head. He kicked my teeth asking for entrance. I declined to tease him. He then grabbed onto the lower half of my spine and rubbed it with his thumb. I gasped and he took this chance to slide his tongues in.

He had six tongues so it was useless for me to fight back. I pushed him off of me and said "E-Error, I'm n-not ready. I-I'm s-sorry."

He smiled at me and said with a comforting voice "That's fine, we can do it when you're ready, and if that never comes, that's fine also." I smiled as Error said those words.

We then continued to snuggle up to eachother. Killer then opened the door and said "Nightmare said that he wanted you guys." Error and I looked at eachother the got up as Killer ran through the hallway and to his room.

Error and I finally found Nightmare at the planning room, and he looked the most angry I have ever seen him.

CLIFFHANGER BRAHS! YEEEEEEEEE, yea Goopy skele-boi is angry as frick. Hopefully the lenny face couple will not die.

SEE YA KIDDOS! (the author may have been high on sugar while writing this.)

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