lost: Ch 3

585 20 67

Ink's pov:
I was shocked. I dont usually get letters. Especially this kind, it was from Error! I thought Error hated me!

I decided to put this aside and do some drawing. I sat down on my desk and remembered that Error put some chocolate in the fridge. I sat up and suddenly felt pain shoot up all around me.

I fell down and tried to not scream. I heard a knocking on my door. I tried to get up but it didn't work. It just made the pain worse.

I heard the door open. I couldn't hold my screaming back anymore. I started to scream bloody murder. I heard the door slam closed and footsteps running to my door.

I couldn't stop screaming, it hurt so bad. My door slammed open to reveal Error standing in front of the door. I didn't stop screaming. I didn't care if Error saw me like this, I just couldn't stop. My eyesight started to get blurry. I stopped screaming as everything went black.

*Tem skip*

I woke up to a white room. I was on a medical bed with a hospital gown on. There was computers everywhere and a needle in my hand.

I started to panick as my lueckophobia, monophobia and iatrophobia started picking up. Somebody started to knock on the door. I assumed it was dream or blue.

I said "C-come in!" The person who opened the door was neither of them. It was Error. I was still having a panic attack, but at least somebody else was in the room with me. Error noticed the state I was in and rushed over to me.

He started to hug me, I was so confused. I noticed my bandages on my eye with the cut were replaced. Now that I notice all of my bandages have been replaced.

I remembered Error was hugging me and I cautiously hugged back. He stopped hugging me and said "I'll be right back okay Ink? Just dont panick, I'll be right back okay?" I nodded my head as a yes.

He walked out and closed the door behind him. I then heard him talking with Sci. (Sci is science sans for all you guys who don't know.) I could barely make out what they were saying but it seems they are going to do a check up.

I hate those things, they really bother me. I then heard somebody knock and then open the door open. It was Sci and Error. I started to panick because of my iatrophobia. I start to hyperventilate. Sci starts to walk towards me in an attempt to me down. I tried to get up and move but that only made a pain shoot up my spine.

Sci notices what was happening and backs away and hides behind a desk. I take a big sigh of relief. Error asks Sci "Sci, what the hell are you doing?" Sci replies with "I had to hide behind here because Ink has a phobia called iatrophobia, the phobia of doctors." Error makes an oh sound and walks over to me. I start to hide in the blankets, afraid of what he would do.

"Ink, I know you have iatrophobia now, but can you please let Sci come over here? He doesn't want to hurt you and he is only going to do a little checkup." Error said in a calming voice. I peak my head out so I could look at him. "O-okay." I respond to him. Error goes over to Sci and whispers something in his ear and he nods.

He asked me "Can I do a checkup on you Ink?" I responded shyly with a nod of my head. He opened grabbed something and held it looking at my face as it scans it. It then opens up a thing (XD I dont know what to call it) that has a lot of words. He starts to read them.

Sci's pov (finally!)

I look at the reports and start reading.

[Patient Ink sans]

[Emergency contacts: Dream Sans, Blueberry Sans]

[Time of birth: 0000]

[Place of birth: _______tale]

[Reason for visit: Pain all around body]

[Brought by: Error Sans]

[Overall physical report:

Head/neck: Large crack in right eye, multiple scars and cuts on neck that all appear to be self-made (patient questioning required.)

Right arm/hand: chunks of bone missing, multiple scars, cuts and broken bones that all appear to be self-made, several whip like marks
(further patient questioning required.)

Left arm/hand: same as right arm/hand

Right leg/foot: same as right arm/hand

Left leg/foot: same as right arm/hand

Ribs/spine: several ribs missing, chunks of bone missing, large crack going down spine, large deep cuts and scars, multiple broken bones (further patient questioning required.)

Torso: chunks of bone missing, multiple cuts and scars (further patient questioning required.)]

[Overall mental report:

Phobias: iatrophobia(phobia of doctors), kenophobia (fear of white spaces), monophobia ( phobia of being alone), Nyctophobia (phobia of holes), thalassophobia (phobia of deep water)


[Doctors notes: The patient has appeared to be abused and has suffered trauma. Error Sans was not the cause for visit]

I closed the reports and looked at Ink. He looks scared and I finally understand why. I decide to start asking the questions.

Ink's pov:

I knew he was going to start asking questions now. I prepared myself for the worse. "Ink, did you make all of the scars, cuts, broken bones and whip marks" Sci asked. "N-no..." I replied. "Can you tell me witch ones you did?" Sci continued asking.

"Yes, I already know what your going to ask next. I made the some of the cuts, scars, and broken bones. I did not make any of the whip marks though." I replied. "Can you tell me who made the ones you did not make?" Sci questioned. I said "Y-yes, but you cant tell anybody. I dont want anybody to get hurt...

It was...


CLIFFHANGER!!! Because I'm evil! So yeah, to clear up confusion, dream had a crush on Ink. But Ink did not have a crush on dream, he had a crush on *ahem* I mean you'll find out his crush later on. So dream started to abuse Ink and yeah. SEE YA LATER MAH BROTATO CHIPS!

Overwright (Ink x error) Slow UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now