A little nightmare: Ch 23

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Nightmare's pov:

Right as I was about to yell for them I woke up. I bolted up into a sitting position and quickly looked to my side to see if Killer was there, he was and was just peacefully sleeping. I let out a huge sigh of relief and Killer woke up. He sat up then looked at me with worry and asked "Nighty? Is something wrong? You're usually asleep right now." I pat him on the head and smiled calmly at him. I said "Everything's fine Kills, just had a nightmare." He yelled a little "Why would you give yourself a nightmare?!" Sudden realization hit me, I'm the only one who can make nightmares but I didn't give myself that nightmare.

I let go of Killers head and got out of bed. I got dressed and Killer said in a worried tone "Nighty? Is everything ok?" He got out of bed and went to me. However I just walked to the door, before opening it I said "I... I'm just gonna go somewhere real quick. You stay here." I didn't give him a chance to respond and just left, I needed some time to think alone. I left the mansion and went into the forest next to the mansion. I was about to think about what the hell just happened but I got a sudden call from Error. I answered it and before I got the chance to say anything he yelled "The hell Nightmare?! Why the hell did you give me a nightmare about Ink and some others suddenly vanishing?!?!" My eyes widened and I asked "...You had that nightmare too..?"

He froze for a little bit before saying "I think everyone had the same nightmare, but I don't think it was a coincidence. Ink didn't have the nightmare." I agreed and said "Killer didn't either... Ok, get everyone to the meeting room as fast as possible, even the people that went missing in that nightmare. We can't just have them vanishing." Error responded with "On it." And with that he hung up.

 I quickly put my phone in my pocket and teleported back to my room in fear that Killer was missing, he wasn't in the room and I began to panic. I realized the shower was turned on in the rooms bathroom and I ran in. I sighed once more in relief and walked to the shower curtain. I decided to give Killer a little jumpscare.


I opened the shower curtain but didn't see Killer there, but I did see red at the bottom of the shower. I looked down, my eyes widened at the sight and tears poured down my face. Killer was right there, but he was fully dressed propped up so he was sitting on one of the shower walls, the faucet was pointed at him and pouring water on him. He had a huge hole in his chest that was pouring blood, he was 100% dead yet for some reason he wasn't dusting. I turned the water off with one of my tentacles while I picked killer up and out of the tub. I fell to my knees and hugged Killer tightly and began to sob.

After about 10 minutes of sobbing I was able to stop my sobs and force back the tears. I wrapped Killers body in a blanket to hide the wound and closed his eyes. The blanket was black so it was hiding the blood soaking it. I walked to the meeting room while holding Killer bridal style. I made it inside the meeting room, everyone who had the nightmare was holding their mate closely and had a serious face on while the ones who didn't have a nightmare were confused out of their minds. Once I entered the room fully everyone looked to me. Dust said "Lemme guess, Killer was too lazy to get out of bed?" I shook my head and everyone gave me a questioning look.

I placed Killer down on the table and a small puddle of blood formed underneath him, everyone's eyes widened and looked at me with terror, concern and confusion. I sat down and said "...Killer is dead..." Cross said "H-He can't be! He hasn't dusted!" I took the blanket off him just enough to show the huge hole in his just. Ink's eyes were flashing different shapes and colors and he was frozen. Error crashed and was rebooting. Dream and Blue hid their faces into their mates and hugged their mates. Cross was covering his mouth and holding Dream's hand tightly. Dust and Horror were frozen in fear. Lust was frozen in fear and kept trying to say something but couldn't find the right words. Fell was covering sanses eyes but sans had already seen it and was doing everything he could to not pass out. The other 2 were not even there to start with but nobody cared for them so it didn't matter.

I said "Something is doing this... and we need to find out who." Everyone agreed. Ink said "Is this a nightmare..?" And that got us all thinking, could it be a nightmare? Could this be reality? But if it is a nightmare, who is causing such a terrifying and horrible Nightmare?

Btw! Just so you know ^w^, no capitalized letters are accidental here~











I wonder what kind of Nightmare this is~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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