Who: Ch 8

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Ink's pov:

I have been stuck in bed for a while now. I was bored out of my mind. I couldn't use any of my sketch books because I already used them all.

That's when my phone buzzes. I look at my notifications on my phone and see I got a text. 'Thank the creators! I was so bored!' I open up the notification to see who texted me. It was an unkown number so I had no idea who texted me.

(U= Unkown number

U: Heya!

I: Heya? Who are you????

U: No need for that! I wanted to ask a favor of you!

I: Ummm, I think you have the wrong number. I don't think I know you.

U: Isn't this Ink though??

I: Yea, it is.

U: Then I have the right number!

I was super confused but I decided to go with it.

U: So can you help me with that favor?

I: Depends on what it is.

U: I just need you to come to your house!

I: I can't, I'm sorry. I am on strict bed rest and the people I am staying with would know if I left...

U: Oh, I can ask one of my friends to come and pick ya up!

I: Thank you, but I really shouldn't go, I don't wanna worry the other people.

U: Do you really care about the bad sanses? All they do is destroy aus and do evil stuff. They are horrible people!

I: Ok, I will come with you.

U: Yay! My friend is on their way!

I: By the way, who is your friend?

U: Not important! Right now, all we have to worry about is getting you back home safely!

I: Ok then...

Before I knew it I heard someone teleport beside me. Before I could turn around to look at them they knocked me out.

*couple of hours laaateerr!!!*

Still Ink's pov:

I woke up and tried to look around to see where I am. Their at least was enough light to let me see where I am.

I didn't know which au I was in but it definitely wasn't mine. I could tell that we were in some kind of doungoen. I was chained onto the wall with very heavy titanium chains. I could see many weapons on a table.

There was a whip, a couple of machetes, some regular knives, an axe, and even a tentacle that had a yellow glow to it and looked like it led into the shadows...

WAIT A TENTACLE?! Is that Nightmare? Wait, it can't be Nightmare, it has a yellow glow to it, not a blue glow. Who is that????

I need to get out of here fast, but that is when I noticed the chains were magic canceling chains.

The tentacle moved and went into the shadows and behind a person. The person walked out of the shadows and said "Hello Ink~" "D-Dream?" I asked.




Why are you still reading?

Is it because I haven't gotten your choice in here yet?

Well congrats!

Then you should keep reading.






Error's pov:

I should probably go check in on Ink. I haven't seen him all day because Nightmare said he needed to be by himself. So right now everyone was pretty much just laying around and staring at the ceiling.

Suddenly Nightmare said "Hey, we should really go check on Ink now. I have a horrible feeling..." He was right, I have a horrible feeling too. We all then heard a scream coming from Ink's room.

We all rushed into Ink's room, most of us teleporting like me. I slammed open the door that Ink was resting in. We got there just in time to see a person teleport away with Ink.

That's what the kaos started to happen. Nightmare was shouting billions of cuss words. Cross was screaming. Blue was crying. And I just stood there dumbfounded, staring at where Ink just was.

*couple of hours later after so called 'Dream' abuses Ink*

Ink's pov:

I was exhausted. I had cuts all over my body, cracks, and so much more. I was so tired.

Dream came back and said "You can go, but if you tell anybody about what happened, you won't be the only thing that is broken." I instantly knew what he ment. If I told anybody, Error and all my other friends would die, or something even worse.

Dream unchained me as I fell to the floor. He then opened a portal underneath me causing me to fall through and onto the floor of Nightmare's castle. I could here screaming, crying, cursing, and panicking.

Suddenly it all stopped and I heard footsteps rush over to me. Somebody placed their hand on me and I flinched. The person picked me up and ran into Error's room.

I look up to see who is carrying me, it was Error. Error placed me on the bed and yelled at his teammates to go and do something. My ears started to ring and suddenly. It all went black.

*time skiiiipppp!!!!!*

I woke up to hear crying. I couldn't move, I couldn't even open my eyes. I stopped trying and decided to just listen to who was crying. It sounded glitched and I instantly recognized it as Error. I started to cry, knowing I couldn't do anything.

Yet I tried everything I could to go to him, to comfort him, to say everything is ok. Yet, as much as I tried, I could do nothing!

I decided to try one last time, and I failed.

No one's pov:

Why do you cry, Ink? Didn't you want this to happen? "Please, stop!" You cry. Yet nobody heard your pleas. You see a light, you reach out to grab it. It floats towards you. You stop crying, yet tears still flow down your cheekbones. The light floats towards you. It feels so warm and soothing.

You hear somebody cry your name "Ink! Please don't leave me! Please wake up!" You then hear another voice "Ink, ya better not leave! Ya still need to get Dream back into his senses!" Suddenly, your flooded with voices from all around the multiverse. "Ink! You need to stay strong!" "Stay determined!" "Don't lose hope!" "Kiddo, ya can't die on us yet." "What would we do if ya left!" "Stay Ink, we need ya!"

But one seems to stand up above all others. "Brother, if you can hear me, you still need to protect all your loved ones. They would be lost without you. You need to go back to Error! Don't touch the light and instead follow my voice. Go home Ink, go home brother."

You follow the voice, you say


HEYA KIDDOS! So I was actually reading an ask or dare book that was made by ErR0randInk and it is AMAZING! Ya guys reaaaalllyyyy need to read it! If you guys are wondering who Mel is in the book, that's me! It is an amazing book and I recommend it to all of ya kiddos!

That's all, GOOD BAIIIIII!

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