Dream: Ch 13

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It's time, this is the chapter with your choice. Your guy's choice was the moon.

Ink's pov:

It had been a couple of days since we started to train and we were at the top we could get. My emotions were still gone, but now my eyes were pure red. My eye would still glow black, but I was still freaking everyone who saw me out. My demon wings and horns were still here and I would practice flying everyday.

I have gotten so good at flying that I can dodge almost all attacks. What I mean by almost is that, well, nobody can dodge forever. Right now, everyone was getting rest, except for me, I couldn't sleep at all.

I heard a knock on my door and I responded with "Come in!" The door opened as Error walked in. "Hey Inky, I can't sleep, can you?" He asked me. I shook my head in response sitting up. "Well then, wanna snuggle?" He asked me. I nodded my head shyly.

He giggled at my cuteness and started to hug me. We both laid down on the bed and I snuggled up into Error's jacket. We stayed like that for a little bit until we both finally had gotten some sleep. Tomorrow was the war, it was going to be one hell of a day.

*temmmm skiiiiip till morning*

I woke up to the door being slammed open by Killer "Get up ya two lovebirds and get a move on! We're getting ready for the attack!" Killer screamed at us. Error shot up into a sitting position and yelled "God darnit Killer!" Killer giggled before running out the door and closing the door.

Error then said "We should probably get dressed, see ya." I then said "Wait! I mean, since we're a thing now, could you maybe stay here?" I was pretty nervous he would say no but instead he nodded his head and said "Alright Kinky Inky~" I blushed really hard and covered myself with my shirt, considering I didn't have my scarf on me.

He giggled and teleported his clothes here. I started to take off my shirt while facing away from Error. I suddenly felt a hand rub my spine and I gasped and quickly turned around to see Error there. I pushed him away and said "S-Stop Error! We're supposed to be getting ready for battle! He laughed and nodded.

He started to take off his clothes and I looked away as I started to do the same. Once we finished Error noticed the swirls on my neck considering I haven't put on my scarf yet. He then sid to me "Hey Inky? When did ya get those tattoos?" I then froze and said "I-I have had them s-since I w-was created i-in my n-new lif-fe." Error then smiled and said "The're beautiful." I smiled at him and said "Thanks." We then continued to get dressed.

After we finished we both went downstairs and saw everybody there. "We were waiting for ya guys!" Nightmare yelled at us clearly annoyed. We said "Sorry guys." Nightmare nodded his head and motioned for us to come sit down.

We started to discuss and go over everything we had planned to make sure everybody understood our plans. We all agreed and we set off to dreamtale.

Nightmare opened a portal to his and his brother's au. We all snuck in and waited. We heard someone coming and Nightmare quickly looked at who it was. It was Fell. I couldn't believe that Dream convinced Fell of all people to be on his side.

Nightmare acted quickly and put a tentacle over his mouth so he couldn't call for help. Dust quickly knocked him out with one of his bones. We then threw him into the anti-void. We continued this cycle for a while until Nightmare could tell that there was around a hundred people left.

We had noticed that most of these people were either a Sans or a Papyrus. Nightmare then motioned for us to continue our way to the castle Dream called his home. We were almost there when we heard a sound from behind us.

I couldn't tell who the person was because I was in the middle, being protected by everyone else. The person was about to scream when suddenly, someone knocked him out with a bone. "Ya guys look like you need some help. I'll help y'all and not be myself for a while. Dream is doing horrible things to so many people and I wanna help stop them." I recognized the voice as lust's. I knew Lust was not lying and so did Nightmare. We let Lust tag along but didn't tell him too much of our plan in case he betrayed us.

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