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When you were little, you were quite the adventurer. Always scurrying off when your parents said to stay, climbing trees, anything that could get your knees dirty. To be honest, that's never changed. You also had your way with people. You could make them believe whatever you wanted them to believe. You'd start talking and they'd always listen.

It's how you'd get jobs...and also get fired from jobs. Anyway. Currently you live with your dad, he was okay. He didn't really try to be in your life, you didn't care though. You didn't need him.

As you were sitting on your bed looking out the window, well, not really looking out the window, but watching the raindrops fall and splatter onto the window. It's now dark outside and your dad had to go to the grocery store to get some milk. (Haha.)
So now you had the house to yourself. Perfect.

You jump out of your bed and grab your speaker on the way out of your room. Walking down the stairs you hook your phone to the small speaker and set it on the coffee table. You put on the song hayloft by mother mother. (It's a bop.) You turn up the volume all the way and sit down on the couch listening and tapping your foot to the beat. You never had this often, your dad was always at home since he worked from inside his office. Of course you loved your dad but sometimes he was just sort of...a party pooper. 

At least now he is, before he used to be so much fun. That pretty much changed when your mom left. He spends most of his days in his office, not really paying attention to you. But you knew that he loved you, if he didn't he wouldn't be here taking care of you. The song came to end, leaving a ringing in your ears because of how loud the music was. The ringing was nice though you thought. It gave you a comforting feeling that you just couldn't describe. Before you could get up to change the song, someone had rang the doorbell.

You turned off your music and head toward your front door, looking through the dusty peephole. It seemed there was no one there, though you couldn't because of how dirty the peephole was. Taking a breath you open the door, you never liked opening the door for anyone. Only because of what happened last year but we don't talk about that. Lets just say it had to do with a lot of dogshit and 11 year old boys. Thankfully it wasn't those stupid boys again, but you weren't sure on whether or not you should be glad or scared that there was no one at the door.

You checked to see if the person left anything by opening the screen door and looking at the porch. You looked left to right but there was absolutely nothing. You rolled your eyes and shut the door locking it. It was strange you started to think but brushed it off as someone just dingdong ditching you. It made you angry that you fell for it, but you went back to the couch and grabbed your phone putting on another song. Something felt off though, you weren't sure what but deep down in your gut you knew something felt wrong. You stop the music once again and head for the kitchen to get a drink. Getting some water might help your nerves you thought.

Pouring out the water from the pitcher into the glass, you heard something strange. It was a light humming sound, but you were unsure on where it was coming from. It bothered you, and it was quite annoying. But you drank your glass of water and then set the glass in the sink for you to wash later. There was that gut feeling again. This time it made you sick to your stomach for some reason. What is going on? You thought to yourself. You shook your head and made your way to the living room to grab your phone. You looked at it funny, because it was on a completely different app. You were using Spotify, but the app that was open was snapchat. You looked at yourself on the screen, it was like your eyes were glued to it. It was like you couldn't take your eyes off and if you did, something would happen. You've been looking at the screen for so long your face started to morph and change color. You blinked a couple times and your face was normal again. 

Maybe a nap would help. You thought. Naps always helped you. You walked through the hallway and passed the front door on the way to the stairs. Something caught your eye. You looked back to the door and looked down at the doorknob. It was unlocked, the worse thing was is that the bolt lock was broken. Immediately you went into panic mode and started calling 911. You ran out of the house and was planning on going to the neighbors house but before you could leave your porch, you felt a tight grasp on your arm. Dragging you back inside the house, the force made you drop your phone and the person that was dragging you, threw you to the floor.

They were wearing some sort of Halloween mask, all black clothing and their hair was pitch black. "What do you want with me?" You backed yourself into the wall staring up at the scary person that was in your home. They giggled, and then started to laugh like a maniac. What the hell? You thought. "Aw don't be scared baby~" They said kneeling down in front of me, "Maybe if I take my mask off you'll remember me." They say reaching for their mask, you were confused as all hell. Yet you were kind of curious as to who this person could be. They took the mask off and it dropped to the floor making a 'clack' sound. You couldn't believe who it was. There's no way he turned out like this. The person behind the mask was Damiar, your best friend when you were younger.

"From the look on your face I can tell you remember me." He chuckles, "Sorry to disturb you but...I just couldn't wait any longer. When I found out that you came back I just had to see you again." He says with a sigh at the end. You couldn't get this wrapped around your head. "Why didn't you just knock on the door like a normal human being?" You know, instead of scaring you half to death. He clicked his tongue and just looked at you for a moment. "Because, I want you in a way that you won't like." His voice got lower when he said that which scared you a bit. What did he mean by that?

Soon enough you'll figure that out.


Word count: 1159

Thanks for reading! Ciao!

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