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As a writer, you struggled with what everyone knows it as...Writers block~
You don't know why, it's just suddenly nothing came to you. You needed to experience something. Something new and interesting. You thought that maybe if you were inspired by something different, your writers block would go away. It was so annoying to you. You wanted to write but nothing came out. Which angered you, a lot. Then the perfect idea popped into that creative mind of yours.
Getting up you grab your car keys and walk to your car. If your life wasn't interesting, then someone else's is. You get into your car, very eager to find someone to write about to your hearts consent.

You found the perfect place to find the perfect person. You needed someone exciting. Sure you thought this was kinda weird but you wanted to experience something different for once, and not write about something you already know and heard of. You wanted to find new words to write on paper, and you knew the first person to show up was going to be your main character.

Stepping out of your car, breathing in the air of the night. The cold air whistling and brushing by you, giving you goosebumps. The place you picked was a river. It had a stone bridge and it was lit perfectly by the lights. You stand on the bridge, waiting. Waiting for someone to come by. It took awhile but eventually, here comes a unique character for your book. He was young, about your age. But that's all you could take in of him because you kept your head straight forward. Not looking away from the scenery.

You heard sniffling coming from the young man now beside you. He was crying. Perfect. Looking over your left shoulder, you wore a concerned expression on your face.

"Hey. Are you alright?" You lean in closer to get a nice long look at that face.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry." He stumbled on his words and ran his fingers through his jet black hair.

"Don't apologize because your upset." You smile, this is going to be good you thought. The young man smiled at you, then looked at the scenery as well and took it in. The way the tears in his eyes made them sparkle gave you a tingly sensation in your stomach.
"Isn't it beautiful out here?" You say exaggerating on the word beautiful.

"Yes. Very." He says wiping away his tears with his jacket sleeve.

"If you don't mind me asking. Why are you crying?" You face your body toward him, to let him know you were interested in what he had to say. He hesitated at first but then sighed and spoke.

"Stuff at home isn't so good right now. It was stressing me out and I needed some air. And if you don't mind me asking...why are you out here?" He asked looking at you, with emerald green eyes. He was the definition of perfect.

"Well. I'm a writer. And I need to...find something new you could say." You said stuffing your hands in your pockets.

"Oh that's cool. What genre do you write?" He asked, he's a bit curious isn't he you thought. But you liked it.

"I don't usually go for one genre. I write what I feel." You needed to know his name. It was bugging you that you didn't know.

"Ah. Maybe I can read one of your books sometime." He smiles, which made you smile.

You and the young man talked for quite awhile, and you figured out his name was Damiar. Such a unique name for a unique boy. You also exchanged numbers, which is what you were hoping for. Eventually you became friends. It was going great and you were halfway done with your book. But something inside your brain made you want more from him. And someone got a little to curious, so you decide to take things a little to far.

And by that, I mean way to far.

Y/n's POV

Tonight was the night that I took things into my own hands. I craved more of that boy every single day. He is so addicting. Plus, it adds to my story. I'm parked outside of his house, waiting for his lights to go out. Crickets were playing music which made me more agitated and impatient. His lights wouldn't turn off. I waited hours. He must be a night owl. I got a notification telling me someone texted me. I pick up phone and it was Damiar.

Damiar: Hey, are you awake?

You: Yeah. Can't sleep :/

Damiar: Me either. Wanna come over and stay awake with me? :p

You: thought you'd never ask. Omw

I wait awhile before getting out of my car and knocking on his door. He opens it and he looked kinda, skittish. Especially when he looked at me.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." I laughed lightly looking up at him.

"Just uh. Come in." He said quickly pulling me inside. I didn't like it.

"Whats your problem?" I asked. He shook his head.

"You know exactly what my problem is." He says looking at me. It looked like he wanted to smash a vase over my head. I didn't like that either.

"Well I clearly don't know what your talking ab-" Before I finished he slammed down a book on his coffee table. The book I was writing. How could I skip up like this??

"You left this in my kitchen. I read a couple pages. And it made me sick to my stomach Y/n! Why are you writing about my life like a stalker!?" He began to yell. I quickly took the book and I see that he tore out half the pages.

"" I started to mumble. All the hard work I put into it. This book is about to get a lot more interesting.

"I actually thought you cared about me. Turns out I'm just some fake character to you?" He says turning around and running his hands through his hair.

Before he could say anything else, i knocked him out. His body hit the floor with the lamp that I cracked over his head. Blood was everywhere, but he was still alive. I saw him rise and go back down.

"You just had to get curious didn't you."


Word count: 1069 ;)

Hey hey! I hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter as much as I did writing it! How was that for an insane Y/n??
Welp. I will see you all in the next chapter! Byeeee! :p

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