Truth or Dare pt 2

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You wake up the next morning feeling giddy, you quickly scurry to your dresser and pick out an outfit you got from the mall yesterday. You put it on and look in the mirror.

You smile, feeling cute as hell in your new outfit. You couldn't wait to see him again. His hair, his eyes, his smile. You hoped that he would like you at least as a friend. Hopping down the stairs you get greeted by your Aunt May.

"Morning sweets." She says throwing some bacon on your plate.
"Good morning." You reply sitting down at the table. Thoughts of last nights conversation with Damiar went through your head. 'I can't believe he really stayed up and talked to me.' Is what you kept thinking. You finish your food and impatiently wait for when you meet Damiar.
It was time. You grabbed your bag swinging it over your shoulder. "Bye Aunt May! See you later!" You call out accidentally slamming the door behind you.
You drive Aunt Mays car to the mall. Don't worry, you did ask permission. Her response was exactly: "I won't get in the way of true love!"

You park the car and see Damiar waiting outside of the mall. Suddenly you get nervous, your throat swelled. What if he doesn't like you? What if he asks to use the bathroom and then never comes back? Maybe you should leave and text him saying that you couldn't make it. You took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. You can do this. You kept thinking to yourself. Damiar spots you and waves you over. 'No going back now Y/n.'

He smiles as you walk over to him. You couldn't get over how amazing he looked when he smiled at you. You cleared your throat.

"Hi." You say almost in a whisper but not that quietly so he could hear you.
"Hey!" He says, "let's go inside, it's freezing out here." You go inside and warm up a bit. He was right, it was quite chilly.
"How long have you been waiting outside?" You ask, he shrugged.
"I dunno. Maybe 20 minutes?" He says, rubbing his hands together. 20 minutes? Why would he wait outside for that long? Just for you? You were questioning a lot of things at the moment.
"Why would you wait that long outside? You could have came in." You chuckle lightly, he shrugged with a cute smile on his face.
"Why not?"
"Because you could literally freeze to death."
"Sounds fun."
"I- Okay."

You both laughed and began to walk around the mall, talking and having a great time. It seemed you were worried for no reason, you talk as if you've known each-other forever. You wondered if he was nervous as well too at first. He didn't act like it, maybe he was excited and not nervous? What if he didn't even want to be here and he's just here because he feels bad?
"Y/n? Earth to Y/n!" Damiar was waving a hand in front of your face with a goofy smile. You must have been starting off to space again.
"Sorry. What?" You say making sure all your attention was on him now.
"Well I was asking if you wanted to go to a party with me and my friends. The party is at a close friends house." He says sitting down on the mall bench, you pause then slowly sit down next to him.
"A p-party?" You question, memories flooded back. You can't go to a party. Not after what happened.

"Well not exactly a party, sorta like a small gathering of friends. Since we are friends now correct?" He asks raising an eyebrow, you smile widely. It was nice to know that he liked you as a friend.
"Yes. We are." Damiar smiles and you swore you could see a hint of blush tint his pale cheeks.
"Great. So you're coming? Please?" He stuck out his bottom lip, you sigh in defeat.
"How could I say no?" You say smiling, he smiles with you and claps his hands together.

He looked quite excited that you were going to go, but you were still very iffy about the whole thing. How would you know if something were to happen like last time? You don't want to think this way but you can't help it. As long as you don't play that wretched game, you will be perfectly fine. The gathering was going to be in a few days so you wanted to get something nice to wear. Nothing fancy obviously but something that would make you look good.

You and Damiar head over to a clothing store to go look for a nice outfit. Sure you had nice stuff at home but it's always nice to get new clothes once and awhile. While looking through the racks you look over to Damiar who had a bright pink boa around his neck. He had orange cat eye glasses and white gloves. You held your hand over your mouth trying not to laugh out loud.

"Now this. This is a fit." He says striking a pose, "Come here darling! Let me give you a makeover!" He walks over to you and wraps a purple boa around your neck.
"Ah yes. I know perfection when I see it." He winks, you blush and try to cover it with a laugh. But he could tell right away.
"You're a strange man Damiar." You say.
"Aww you think I'm a man? That's cute."
You both laugh and take the boas off so Damiar could put them back.

Damiar helped find the best outfit for you, he seemed to be really good at this kind of stuff. Which you totally didn't mind because are not good at that kind of stuff. You guys walk up to the cashier and hand them the items. They rang it up and you dug for your money in your pocket.
"The hell?" You mumble still searching for the money that was in your back pocket but not anymore.

"What's wrong?" He asks, you dug around again, but nothing.
"My money is gone." You huff, pissed that you lost your 40 dollars.
"It's alright. I got it." He says giving the cashier the money.
"Oh you don't have to do that."
"I want to. Now grab your things and let's go." He smiles, you grab your bag and smile to yourself. You probably looked like a smiling goon.
Walking out to your car was depressing, you didn't want to leave. You wanted to hang out with Damiar more. But all good things come to an end.
"Thanks for hanging out today. I needed it." Damiar says
"Yeah, me too. I'll text you?"
You both smile as you get in your car and drive home. Today was actually perfect. Really perfect.
Word count: 1200
Hi guys! Here is part 2 I hope you enjoyed reading! There is going to be a part three and that chapter will probably be the last of this story in particular. You are welcome to give me any suggestions or ideas that you think you and others will read. Anyways, I'll see you all in the next one! Chao!

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