Room Service Part 2

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"Do you want to?"

You didn't even know how to respond to that. What were you suppose to say? 'Sure let's go get some coffee sometime and totally ignore what happened.' I mean, sure. You really wanted to know him, but you just didn't have the time for that. You work a 9 hour shift and by the end of work your in bed so you can wake up early.

"Sounds nice Angel face but I'm going to have to pass." You say standing back up wiping off your work uniform. He raised his eyebrow slightly.

"Angel Face?" He questioned then smirked. You smiled a bit, not meaning to call him that. Well, you sorta did, you just hoped he wouldn't notice.

"Well if I knew your real name I wouldn't call you that." You said with a grin.

"I don't know...I kinda like angel face." He says, you roll your eyes in a playful way and grab your cleaning supplies.

"Well then, I will see you around. Angel face." You said and left, the feeling of butterflies never left.

The next day was your day off, and you needed to do some shopping. Mostly because you ran of food rather quickly. You saved up a decent amount of money to do so thank god.

While at the grocery store, you start to think about yesterday. Did he really want to know you? Did you really want to know him? He's a complete stranger and some how you feel like you've known him for awhile. The words he said replaying in your mind over and over again. You couldn't deny that you liked him, because you did. Lost in your thoughts you accidentally ran into a person with your cart.

"Shit! I didn't see you-" You said pulling your cart back.

"You should watch your language." You heard a familiar voice say. 'Ah crap' you look up and all you could do was sigh.

"We have to stop meeting like this." Standing in front of you was angel face himself. I can't get away from this guy can I? You chuckle and look at him,

"I think maybe your just following me now." You say grabbing some things off the shelf. Angel face smiled which made you smile. Damn it. You thought. Images kept racing through your head, why does he make you feel this way you wonder.

"Well, I wouldn't have to follow you if you gave me your number." He smirks, he is SO good at that! You almost gave in, but you shook your head and moved forward. "Okay okay," He continues to walk with you through the store. "Let's make a deal." Those words made you stop in your tracks and looks over at him with a confused look on your face.

"A deal?" You question, he nods with a smirk.

"I want you to spend one day with me, and if you enjoy the date then you have to give me your number." He says leaning forward with his hands behind his back.

"And if I don't have a good time?" You say tilting your head to the side.

"Then...I'll do anything you want me to do. Deal?" He says. You thought about it. You knew you were going to have a good time. How could you not? He was interesting, and you wanted to know what his plan was.

"Okay. Deal." You say confidently, but that was the opposite of what you were. You still had no idea who this guy was. But for some reason you kinda trusted him. You see his eyes light up and smile.

"Good! I'll see you tomorrow at the hotel!" He then scurries off out of the store.

This is gonna be interesting.


You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock, you wanted to wake up early to get a couple hours of work in before your day started with angel face.
You get ready and shower then put on your work uniform. Also grabbing some clothes so you could change at the hotel.

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