Truth or Dare pt 1

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I can't breathe in here.

The music is so loud.

Why am I even here?

I can't hear myself think.

These flashing lights are giving me a headache.

Where is she?

She said she wouldn't leave me alone.

Here I am. In the corner of a room, watching people throw up and get drunk. By myself.

I'm always by myself.

You snap out of your thoughts when there was a big crash. It sounded like someone broke in through a window. Quickly rushing over to the noises, there are people surrounding something. You struggle to push through everyone but eventually you see what's happening.

Your best friend was lying dead on the ground. Glass surrounded her body as she bled. It turned out, it was the result of a dare. No one was specific on how it actually happened. Which angered you. Your best friend was gone because of a stupid dare. Now you were really alone. You thought it couldn't get worse.

Your best friends death took a huge toll on you. You didn't eat, or sleep. That's when the neighbors called for a wellness check on you. They got worried when they didn't see you come out of your house for 2 weeks. The police showed up at your door. You probably looked like a deceased raccoon but you honestly couldn't care less. They asked you some questions and you answered truthfully...somewhat.

The police ended up making you live with your aunt because she was the closest Living relative. You never met your aunt, but from what your parents said awhile back she seemed nice enough. Riding to her house was awful. The police man driving you wouldn't shut his damn mouth. Talking about when he was young and free and bla bla bla. Just to tell you, it was a 2 hour drive.

With a fifty year old police man.

In the car.

No bathroom breaks.

Let's just say you wanted to do something very illegal right then and there, of course you didn't but you thought about it. The officer parks the car outside of a very nice house.

'This cannot be where she lives.' You thought to yourself, looking at all the big windows. Just then a lady comes skipping out of the apartment and up to the police car. 'Oh my god she does live here.' Your aunt comes around and helps you out. Engulfing you in a big bear hug.

"How are you!? It's been so long y/n! I haven't seen you since you were just a little baby!" She exclaims releasing her grip on you.

"Uhm, I'm okay. How are you aunt May?" You mumble with a smile.

"Oh I'm doing amazing now!" May kisses your cheek then quickly takes your bags out of the trunk. "Come on! I want you to see your room!" She says leading you into the house.

The outside of the house had two big willow trees in front. A stone pathway led up to the glass-stained door. May opens the door. From what you could see, the walls were pure white and there was one wall that was painted a light blue color. You step into the house and my god did you feel out of place. The living room had a huge tv hung up on the wall, the couch was also pure white and there was a glass coffee table with a plant in a white vase on top.
Did I mention that the floors were marble? Yeah.

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