Intruder pt. 2

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The ground was hard and cold, your bones felt as if they weighed a ton. Memories flooded back into your head as you came back from your drowsy state. Damiar did this to you. You couldn't believe it, you'd hope to see him again, but definitely not like this. As you moved your body upward, tingles shot throughout your limbs and into your torso.
'What the hell did he do to me...?' You thought to yourself trying to get up off the ground. It didn't work, your legs fell from under you and you hit the ground again.

You look around, trying to adjust your sight from the poor lighting in the room. It was dark, you could barely see a thing. Except for a door that stood in front of you, just a few feet away. Other than that, there was absolutely nothing.

After Damiar had burst into your house, he injected you with some sort of liquid with a syringe. It made you wonder where he even got that. Had he been planning to do that the whole time? You two used to be the best of friends and's...whatever this is. Your ears started to twitch from the sound coming from behind the door. There were footsteps, echoing and somehow they were really loud.

You backed up quickly into the wall farthest from the door, you didn't know what to do. You've never been in this situation before, nor even know anyone who has. Your palms started to sweat as the footsteps got closer and closer to the door. Heart beating a mile a minute. The doorknob twist and the door opened, revealing Damiar. You stayed put, watching as he stared at you. You couldn't read one thought behind his eyes. All you knew is that they probably weren't good. Damiar walked to you and knelt down like before.

"I can't believe I've finally found you." He says, reaching for your face but you moved out of his reach before he could touch you.
"Hey. You know me. What's wrong?"
You looked at him like he was crazy. And he is. Why would ask someone what's wrong after they've been kidnapped by their childhood best friend?
"Oh...Still mad about the whole kidnap thing?" He asks standing back up. "Well I didn't really have a choice baby..."
'You always have a choice.'  You thought, looking down to the floor just wanting to go home.
Damiar didn't seem to like this behavior of yours, he grabbed you by your shirt and brought you up to his face.

"I did not have a choice y/n. You don't understand." He says letting go of you, did he hear you? You were sure you thought that in your head. But that was the least of your concerns right now.
"Tell me why then." You say looking up at him, "What made you decide to kidnap me?"
He just looked at the ground and shook his head.
"I can't tell you." He says, you lay your head back on the wall.
"Of course." You mumble. "You used to be the sweetest boy. What the hell happened?"
Damiar couldn't take it anymore and left the room, leaving you in there for a few hours.

Your stomach began to growl and it was still really cold in the room. But you were able to regain your strength, so now you could look around the room without falling back to the ground. You walked over to the door that Damiar had left through. It was old and needed to be repainted. Your hand reached for the doorknob and you twist it. You heard a click and the door opened. 'What?' Is the only thing you thought, you looked through the door and it led into a pure white hallway. It was blinding, you held your arm to your face and walked out. There were stairs leading up so you decided to go up them.

Another door was presented in front of you, but it was way nicer than the one before. You could also smell something behind it. It smelled like fresh pancakes and bacon. You quietly open the door, hoping that Damiar wouldn't hear you. What you saw kind of shocked you, it was just a regular house. It was nice inside too. You walked in shutting the door behind you and walking over to where you smelled the food. Just like you thought, there was a plate full of food. There was also a note beside it. It read: 'I've went out to get some things. Be back in an hour. P.s Don't try and leave, I've padlocked and boarded up every window and door.'

You rolled your eyes and threw the note in the trash. Your eyes went back to the plate of food that was in front of you. Every inch of your body was telling you not too. But you were so hungry that you just couldn't stand it anymore. You took the fork and started to eat. Once you were finished, you put the plate and fork in the sink out of habit.

You explored the house a bit before sitting down on the couch in the living room. You noticed that there was a cat tree next to the tv. You look around but just thought that he probably put the cat somewhere else. You face forward again and realize there was something at your feet. It was a pure white cat with a blue collar. You smiled and picked them up, they immediately started purring.

Hopefully Damiar wouldn't be back soon. You didn't really want to know what he wanted with you.

Word count: 948.

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