Room Service

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(Slight warning. This one is a bit inappropriate so if you don't do well with 'that' kind of stuff I suggest not reading this one. To those of you who do, thanks for reading ;) )

Working as a housekeeper never came easy. Especially for you, you were laid back and didn't want to clean 24/7. But you did it anyways because, well, you gotta earn money someway. Today was like any other day, you were washing the sheets when you heard the hotel entrance open. You stop what you were doing and go see if anyone is at the desk to make sure the person was being waited on.

Sadly, no one was at the counter so you had to do it, working at the counter was pretty easy it's just talking to people is what sets you on edge. Walking over to the counter you say 'Welcome' and 'What can I do for you?' You looked up at the customer, he was really good looking. Jet black hair, green eyes and an amazing style. Trying not to check him out you smile politely waiting for an answer.

"Uh yeah. I need a room for a couple of nights." He says awkwardly, cute you thought. You checked him in and gave him a key also giving him a small smile. He smiles back and walks off to the elevator to the second floor, the floor that you worked on. You couldn't help it, he was gorgeous. Few minutes later the lady that was supposed to work the counter came back from 'lunch'. Even though you knew she was getting it on in the back with her boyfriend that cleans the bathrooms here. You rolled your eyes and made your way to the second floor.

Starting with one room, you made the bed and wiped down a couple of things before moving on to the next room. By now, you've totally forgotten about the guy that came in earlier. You walk out of the room you finished and ran straight into someone with your cart.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" You started to panic, hoping it wasn't the one lady that complains all the time.

"No worries. It happens." They said, you could immediately tell who it was by the voice. It was the new customer. You began blushing a bright red, he seemed to notice because a smirk slightly formed on his face. You were melting by then, there is something about this guy that just makes you addicted. Even though you haven't talked except for now and when you were at the counter with him.

You then realize that the water in the mopping bucket splashed all over him. Without thinking you grab your towel and start drying him yourself.

"It's really okay, I can just cha-" He was cut off by a sudden grunt that came out of his mouth. You step back not knowing what happened. But somewhere in the deep depths of your mind, you knew exactly what you just did. Your not sure if you meant to do it or not. You throw the towel at him and apologize, running down to the next room and locking yourself in there.

You are such a screw up! You slapped yourself a couple times. What if he reports it? I'm gonna go to jail! I was just trying to dry him off! Why did he grunt though? So did he? Wait. I'm so confused!
To get your mind off of it you began cleaning the other rooms and then taking your lunch break. You started to think, did you actually do that on accident? Or was it totally intentional? You were confused by the whole thing. But right before you went home someone requested a clean up. Coming from that guys room. You swallowed your fears and regrets and made your way to his room. You knocked, but there was no answer. You open the door and look around, his room was spotless. He came into view and he had a towel around his waist and nothing else. He slid his fingers through his hair and looked over you. You thought you were going to have a heart attack right then and there.

"Y-you said there was a spill?" You choked out, he smiled and nodded leading you to where he spilt some salsa on the rug.

"Right here. But uh. I need to change so if you could just look away for a second." He says, you nod shyly and begins cleaning the rug. You were very tempted to turn around and look. But you didn't, you respected his privacy. You grab some bleach and put it over the stain. "Also. Sorry about earlier." He says, you blush and keep scrubbing the floor.

"It was my fault. I wasn't really thinking straight." You say not making eye contact with him. He walks over to you and Kneels down so your eye level. Your breath hitches and you stopped what you were doing.

"You know, I haven't stopped thinking about you after that." He says in a low sort of whispering voice. Your heart began to melt, the way he said that made you get butterflies. "Now I wonder what else you could do to me." You choked and looked over at him, not sure if you heard him correctly.

"I don't even know you." You say going back to cleaning the floor. You could see him grin from the corner of your eye. He grabs your chin and makes you face him.

"Do you want to?"
Word count: 935

I'm probably gonna make a part two because this one was kinda short but uh. Yeah that was a spicy chapter for ya. Okay, see ya in the next one.

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