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"I'm home!" I called into the house. I was greeted by a chorus of noises, as per usual. "Sorry about the mess in here, though it is always like this," I said, kicking aside a pile of assorted items to make space for our shoes. I haphazardly tossed my jacket onto the rack, then took Langa's jacket, hanging it properly. "Wait here," I said, starting off into the house toward the kitchen where I assumed the loud crash I just heard had come from. I entered to find my mother scrubbing away at a pile of dishes in the sink, and my two twin sisters running around the dining table doing god knows what.

"Hey, mom," I said, dodging the rampaging girls as I made my way over to her.

"Reki! How was your day? What have you been up to?" She smiled up at me, still working on the dishes.

"My day was alright, I've got a friend of mine here, is that alright?"

She stopped cleaning. Her eyes widened and she beamed at me. "Reki, that's more than alright! What's their name? Will they be staying for dinner? Can I meet them?"

"His name is Langa, and he had a rough day so I think we're just gonna hang in my room for a bit. He's probably going to be here for dinner. Do you want some help with that?" I went to reach for a brush. She smacked my hand away.

"No, don't be ridiculous, I've got this covered, you go spend time with your friend!" She spun me around and shooed me out of the kitchen. I assumed I was home free, but alas, the universe was not having it today.

"Reki has a friend over?" Thing 1 started.

"Really? Someone new to play with us?" Thing 2 responded.

"Nope! No, no, no, no!" I rushed out of the room to find Langa still in the front hall. I ran up behind him and started pushing him toward my room, praying we made it before the twins caught up. Just as we got through my doorway, one of them began asking who was with me, and I slammed the door shut before she could finish the question.

"Sorry about that," I said to a very confused Langa, "the twins are a handful. The interrogation can wait until later." I chucked my bag on the floor and collapsed on my bed, sinking into my comforter.

Alright, how to cheer Langa up? Well, skating always seems to do the trick, maybe there's a new video to watch? Nah, he won't be able to pay enough attention right now. An older video might work though...

I typed in the title to a video that I had shown him when we first became friends. It was just about basics, but he had been really interested in it, and it made him smile a lot.

Maybe it will make him smile again.

I loaded it up, then shuffled sideways to make more space for him to lay beside me. I patted the bed once I had moved over, and he accepted the invitation to join me. When he saw what we were going to watch, he laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked, well knowing what he was thinking.

"Oh, I was just thinking about when you first showed me this one," he said, "I was so bad." I couldn't help but snicker at that. I thought back to the amount of times he landed on his rear when attempting simple things.

"Yeah, you were," I said.

Now you fly higher than anyone I have ever seen. You're absolutely amazing, better than everyone else. Way better than me, that's for sure. Way better...

"Now, though? You're... I don't even know how to say it," I wanted to say so many things, some from a place of adoration and amazement, some from bitterness and jealousy. 

Why can't I be amazing like you? Why do you shine so brightly, while nobody even looks my way? Why can you reach beyond all expectations? Why are you leaving me behind?

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