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I barely slept that night. Most of it was spent staring at the ceiling or the walls, waiting for sleep to take me. I wanted to disappear from the world. My entire body ached from crying, and I was exhausted, but I just couldn't fall asleep. I was too busy thinking about the events of that day, and about Reki.

Reki, my best friend. Reki, one of the most important people to me. Reki, the guy I had stupidly fallen for in a matter of days, who now knew I liked him, and rejected me.

Being rejected wasn't what hurt, losing Reki was.

There's no way he'll be friends with me after this. What am I going to do?

My phone buzzed and I tried to ignore it, squeezing my eyes shut. I managed to keep myself from checking it for about four whole seconds before temptation won. I grabbed my phone to see it was Joe texting me. I glanced at the time, groaning.

Joe: Hey man, all good? You seemed bummed earlier

Me: no not really

Me: why are you up at 2 am

Joe: Just left S, didn't see you or Reki, wanted to check in. What's wrong?

Me: everything

Joe: Want to talk about it?

Me: maybe later

Joe: Okay, take it easy

Joe never texts me, especially not out of the blue like that. Weird.

I gave up on sleeping, instead watching a show on my phone, playing a game, listening to music, anything to keep me distracted. Eventually, light started creeping its way into my room.

Crap, I've got school today.

I crawled out of bed and started getting ready for school. I felt like I was moving around on autopilot, detached from my body. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat and found a note waiting for me on the table from my mom, saying she had an early shift and hoped my day went well.

Not likely.

I slumped down onto a chair, letting my head fall to the table. I sat there for a while, staring at the floor. I finished getting ready, grabbing my school bag. I started off out the door then realized I forgot my skateboard. I rushed back in and went to grab it, hesitating to touch it, like it would break if I did. I picked it up.

Well, it didn't shatter. I guess that's a good sign.

I made my way to school, pausing at the streetlight where I usually met up with Reki out of habit. It took me a moment to realize that I was waiting around for nothing, then continued down the road. I got to school and joined the crowd of kids streaming in through the doors. I caught whispers of my name, but couldn't focus enough to make out anything beyond that. I walked through the halls in a daze, stopping at my locker to store my board. I opened it up and a piece of paper dropped out just as I did. Groaning, I bent over to pick it up. It was blank.

I flipped it over and gasped. It was the photo from Reki's desk with a sticky note stuck to the corner reading "I'm sorry, please forgive me. Miss you." My eyes started watering again and I shoved the photo back into my locker.

I rubbed my face, wiping away the tears forming, and slowly closed my locker. I stood there for a moment, taking a few deep breaths, then trudged off to class. I entered the room to see Reki's desk was empty.

When did he put the photo in my locker if he isn't here? Unless he's avoiding me...

I tried my best to pay attention throughout the school day, but I found myself mostly just staring off into space, yesterday running through my head. Before I knew it, the bell sounded for the end of the day. I hadn't even realized first period had ended, nor did I notice that I had even moved. I started collecting my things to head out when I felt a buzzing from my bag. I opened it up, rooting around for my phone, and pulled it out to see I was getting a call from Miya.

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