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He nodded. "Starving."

"My mom's an awesome cook, and she always makes too much, so there should be plenty to eat." I opened the door and turned back to him, waiting for him to follow. He started to pull the comforter off himself and then stopped, staring at it for a moment, then at me, realization flashing across his face. I felt my cheeks burning and ran a hand through my hair, trying to causally hide my face.

Why am I so awkward? I put a blanket over him because he fell asleep. I just wanted to make sure he was comfortable. Why am I being so weird about it?

He got up and followed me to the dining room. Just as we were about to enter, I heard the telltale signs of the twins tearing through the house, and grabbed Langa, pulling him out of the way just in time to save him from being bowled over.

"Girls! You almost knocked over our guest!" My mother reprimanded them. "Apologize right now please."

"Sorry, mister," they said in unison. I grumbled as Langa dismissed the apology.

I introduced Langa to my mom. As she always did with her kids' guests, she came up to Langa, taking his hand, and insisted he refer to him by her given name.

"Welcome to our home, I hope Reki has made you feel comfortable." She said, causing me to blush. I looked away, trying not to get embarrassed.

"Oh, yes, of course, thank you," he said causing me to turn a deeper shade of red. She invited us to sit down for dinner. Langa stood there for a moment, looking around awkwardly. I tugged on his sleeve, leading him over to our places. We said our thanks and then I stuffed my face with food to avoid having to speak, making sure to have a mouthful just as my mother went to say something.

Please, please, please go well. Please like him. Please don't interrogate him.

"So Langa," she said.

Oh, great.

I shot her a pleading look. She didn't even notice me, instead drawing all the attention to Langa. Even though there was now a blinding spotlight on him, he seemed comfortable. I, on the other hand, could not stop fidgeting. Everything about his demeanour, the way he spoke, his responses, was textbook, but in a good way.

I subconsciously started rocking back and forth, doing what I could to keep a hold on my nervous energy.

If they end up driving him away and he doesn't want to come back I am going to lose it.

"-play with us after dinner!" I tuned in to one of the twins saying this.

Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. Not this time, not with him.

"Knock it off, he's hanging out with me!" I said. They glared at me and stuck their tongues out.

Wow, really mature.

I stuck my tongue out in return.

"Reki-" Langa started.

I told him not to give in, and that he'd be stuck once he did. I laughed, playing it off as a joke, though I was fully serious.

"Yeah, run while you still can," Tsukihi said, smirking at him.

I zoned back out, trying to steady my nerves.

Why am I so nervous? There's no reason for me to be this freaked out, she didn't keep pressuring him to talk so he passed her test. So why can't I calm down? It's just dinner with my family, nothing more. It's not like I'm introducing them to my girlfriend or something. Would I be this nervous if I was?

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