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"meds?" lucas asked, before sicheng left for work. today wasnt a good day. not for his physical health, nor his mental heath. sicheng shook his head, his body shivering as he put on his coat and gloves, "why not?"

"dont need them."


sicheng hated when lucas did that. the harsh name, and the serious tone made him scared, but he knew lucas did it for the better, "can go.... day without."

this was when lucas realised today wasnt a feel-good day. he sighed, passing sicheng his meds, "do you feel well enough to go into work?"

nodding confidently, sicheng replied, "wanna see yuta."

"no.. forget about yuta, sicheng. do you feel okay to go into work today?" he asked once more, making sicheng agitated, but not angry.


"fine, but text me if not. i'll pick you up."


"take the meds at work if you can, please?"

"yes. goodbye, cas"

"you're gonna be the death of me."


sicheng sat in the bathroom at the café. he literally felt the worst. his head was spinning and his stomach was turning. he couldnt stop crying, and whenever he tried to call for help, nothing came out. he felt trapped. suffocated. suffocating.

this is what he deserved for not listening to lucas, he thought. this is what he gets for being stupid, he thought.

sicheng: pick me up? im sick :(


sicheng sat in the back of the boy's car, a blanket over him, sipping water through a straw. he watched out the window at the pretty osaka streets, yet somehow they didnt look as alive today. it made sense.

"you okay?" yuta asked, reaching in the back for sicheng to squeeze his hand, or give him any sign that he was alright. he knew the boy was tired, so he assumed he didnt get enough sleep last night, and hadn't eaten right this morning.

sicheng held yuta's hand gently for a few seconds as they stopped at the lights. yuta smiled, massaging the back of his hand gently with his thumb.

he knew this would annoy sicheng, as he hadn't informed him that yuta picked him up, but he just wanted to have a night to himself.

"im sleepy," sicheng told him, as they reached yuta's house, "i wanna sleep."

"i need to take care of you first, sicheng. you need to eat something, you look pale.."



"sicheng-ah, go upstairs and lay down for a bit. i'll get a bath ready for you.." yuta smiled, stroking the boy's hair.

sicheng smiled, but sighed before walking up the stairs. he knew that bathing wouldn't help, but he couldnt tell yuta.

downstairs, yuta watched his roommate clean up the kitchen, "so, your boyfriend's sick?"

yuta raised an eyebrow, "he isnt my boyfriend, ten."

"you sure about that? he comes round like, every day--"

"that's an exaggeration-"

"yeah, whatever," ten chuckled, standing infront of yuta, "if he isnt your boyfriend, what the hell is he?"

"shh!! the walls arent thick you know!" yuta scoffed, before leaning back onto the wall, "he's a friend,."

"okay, now answer my question and dont lie.."

"for fucks sake- he's... we're not dating, or in a romantic relationship, it's more just like.... flirty and loving..." yuta explained, "man, i dont know!"

"you're dumb," ten smiled lovingly, "now, go and help your little 'friend' take a bath..."

"you're making it sound weird-"

"it is weird!"


sicheng was shivering as yuta guided him to his bedroom after his bath. he was dreading checking his phone, as he already knew it would be bombarded with messages. so he left it for a moment while yuta gave him some clothes to wear.

"wear my clothes. you'll look cute."

sicheng tried to hide his smile, by looking down, but his red ears revealed everything to yuta, making him happy. 

"you're so cute..."


7 missed calls from 'lucas'

lucas: hey!! are you on your way home?

lucas: you're late home, are you alright?

lucas: sicheng? you were meant to be here an hour ago

lucas: where are you?

lucas: sicheng?????

lucas: god

lucas: please tell me where you are??

lucas: hey

lucas: sicheng?

sicheng: :/

lucas: what the hell sicheng where are you

lucas: are you safe?

sicheng: yuta

lucas: you're at yuta's place?

sicheng: yeah

lucas: okay atleast you're safe. sicheng you had me worried sick :( why didnt you tell me??!

sicheng: im sorry lucas

lucas: its okay, im just glad you're safe :)

sicheng: i took my meds lucas

lucas: im proud of you!

sicheng: thank. u

lucas: are you sleeping at yuta's?

sicheng: probably no.  gonna take me home soon

lucas: alright, i'll see you soon :)

sicheng: ^_^

flower boy ~ yuwinWhere stories live. Discover now