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hello pretty boy

two years

yeah, i know i said i'd write more. i'm sorry

i found more coping mechanisms, which is good, i guess. i think if i wrote loads anyways, it would kinda erase the whole point, and i'd get bored.

i'm doing so much better now.

i have a better job. i get paid alot more.

im still with my therapist, but i see her less now.

i moved out into my own apartment! it's smaller and alot more cozy.

ten and lucas have been officially dating for a few months. it took them A LONG TIME to officialise it, but i'm really happy for them. they moved out too, into another apartment, just down the road from mine, so i'm not too alone.

i'm still 'single' but i dont care.

i dont have many goals right now, other than to survive and just.. enjoy living, i guess.

i really dont know what else to write.

this might be the last letter, i dont know. i might write again in a few years time. who knows.

i love you, so so much.

- yuta <3

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