Part 30

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I stand at the door and take deep breaths, I think I know what is going on. I look at the notes in my hand and smile as I read them again. This moment is finally about to happen. Right when I go to open the door, I get a text. Great, it's probably Cole, he always texts me at the wrong times. I get my phone out and look at it, wtf!

'Hey babe, Cole picked me up to go fill out some paper work at the hospital. Faith is with me, I'll see you when we get home,' From Sam.

If Sam is gone then.... I slowly slide my phone back into my back jean pocket and look at the notes closers. Finally I realized this wasn't Sam's hand writing, he always forgets to dot his I's, and this note had all it's I's dotted. I look at the door and take a deep breath. Turning the knob I push the door open and look around. Nothing seemed out of place, all Faith's things were where I had left them last time I was in the room. I walk around the room just to be sure, everything was normal. I back up to get a full view of everything and close the door. I walk down the hall to go downstairs but stop a few feet after Sam and mines bedroom. Backing up I look into our bedroom and see that the bedroom window was now open. I walk into the room and close it.

"I'm losing it," I tell myself as I walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and then wash my face to calm myself down. When I pull the towel away from my face Jake was standing in the door way making me jump. 

"Jake?" I say relaxing a little, I mean I seen him almost once a week. He smiles at me and throw my house key on the bathroom counter.

"I found that in the parking lot. You must have dropped it when you spilled your things," he says with a smile. I take the key and smile at him.

"Thanks, I have been looking for it," I say kinda still freaked out. "I see you let yourself in?" I say making him laugh.

"Sorry, I thought you weren't home and I was just going to leave it here for you," He says walking closer. That explains why Cooper didn't bark when someone entered the house, he wouldn't bark at someone he sees on a regular schedule. 

"Oh well, let me show you out," I say walking past him and to the hallway.

"What happened to Cooper by the way?" He asked making me stop to answer his question. We were at the top of the stairs at this point.

"Oh, he just had a small accident that's all. He can't really walk right now," I say.

"I noticed, usually dogs greet people at the door not just lay in their bed and stare," He says with a small smile.

"Yeah well, he will be back on his feet in no time," I say going to walk downstairs. I notice something looking at the front door from the top of the stairs. Some rope and tape were sitting by the door. Sam never leaves anything out of place.

"Get any further on that case?" Jake says from right behind me. I don't turn around and I let my mind think and go back to when we first moved here. My name's Jake Reyes,  This played in my mind over and over until it hit me.

"Austin had a brother," I whisper making Jake laugh.

"A twin brother to be exact," He says making me turn toward him, he was closer than I thought which made me uneasy.

"Sam will be home soon," I warn him trying to be tough.

"You honestly thought Sam left you rose petals and notes? If he hasn't already asked you the question, he never will," Jake says making me feel a little hurt, because I knew there might be a little truth behind that. I mean we have a kid together and he still hasn't asked.

"Sam loves me, and Faith. You need to leave, and maybe, just maybe Sam won't kick your ass," I say getting mad. Jake laughs and walks closer to me while flipping open a knife. I back up a little, forgetting that I was at the top of the steps and end up falling backwards. I roll down the steps hitting the wall a few times before coming to a crash on the wood floor. The room was spinning but I could hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"C..Coop...Cooper," I manage to get out. Cooper's growl was heard echoing through the room. He couldn't walk though, he was trying but couldn't. I touch my head and look at my hand, I was bleeding. 

"No one is going to help you. You murdered my brother," Jake says bending down to get closer to me. I was still waiting for the room to stop spinning.

"He tried killing us, I was protecting my family," I say trying to crawl away from him. He grabs my ankle and pulls me back.

"Your family, screwed my whole family over. Your dad started this war a long time ago, Austin just wanted to make a deal to finish it!" He shouts at me and pulls me to my feet. He had to hold me up through, because I am pretty sure I broke something or fractured something in my leg from the fall down the stairs.

"Make a deal? Austin attempted to kill not only my family, but me. How is that a deal?" I say staying tough. Dad always said never to let the enemy see you cry. 

"Austin didn't....He wouldn't kill anyone, he just wanted the war to be over," He says pulling my hair so that I was looking up. I held back the painful scream and just laughed a little.

"He killed my aunt, Heath, and many other people in the process then...You're brother wasn't who you through, he wanted to keep the war going. He didn't give us a choice, he was going to die either way," I say as he holds the knife to my neck.

"Heath deserved to die anyways. But don't worry princess, I'm not going to kill you, yet," He says throwing me back to the ground and grabbing the rope and tape.

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