Part 31

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I just got done signing the last piece of paper work for this stupid hospital thing, which is saying they are to erase all my medical data until Justin tells them otherwise. We normally do this in our situation just to be safe if someone was to try finding us again. It was a big hassle but I wanted to keep my family safe. Looking at a sleeping Faith in Cole's arms made me smile. Lucas was in his other arm, since I was still weak and unable to hold them for to long without hurting myself or them.

"Did Cass ever text you back?" Cole asked as we slowly made out way back to the truck. I shake my head and unlock the truck.

"Actually no... But she might be out doing things," I say getting in the passenger seat while Cole puts the kids in the back. 

"Yeah, but i figured she would have texted you of all people back," He jokes getting into the truck and starting it. I give him the look and he laughs.

"What?" I asked him.

"Why haven't you popped the question yet dude?" he asked pulling out of the parking lot and onto the highway. 

"I am getting around to it. I have a ring picked out and everything. I just want to wait until the right moment to ask her," I say as we pull off the highway and onto our road.

"Oh, having Faith wasn't the right moment to ask her?" Cole jokes yet again making me punch his arm. He groans and goes to hit me back.

"Didn't your mom ever teach you not to hit an injured person?" I say with a smirk which makes him give me the finger. Lucas laughs and I look at him.

"He takes after his dad," Cole says getting out of the truck. I roll my eyes and get out. I walk to the door and right away know something is wrong, Cooper was barking like a mad dog. I open the door and Cooper was half way to the stairs. I don't see anything out of place, the smell of cleaning stuff but Cass probably did her weekly cleaning. 

"Why is Coop freaking out?" Cole asked setting Faiths seat on the ground and letting Lucas crawl around.

"Who knows," I say walking up the stairs. When I get half way I stop and back up. I bend down and look at the wall. There was a small dent in it, which wasn't there this morning.

"Hey Cole?" I shout over my shoulder looking at the dent still.

"Yeah?" He shouts back from the living room.

"Is Cassidy's car in the drive-way?" I ask waiting fro him to reply as I walk upstairs.

"Nope!" He shouts back as I walk into my bedroom and everything is in place. I walk in the hall and see everything also in place. Finally I push Faith's door open and walk in. See, Cass had a weird way of keeping everything organized and everything in it's place. I look around and then notice something, right under the crib. I walk over and bend down and pick it up. A pink rose petal, what was this doing here? I stand back up and take out my phone, calling Cassidy. I hear the ring and walk to the bedroom, her phone was laying on the bed. Right away I knew something wasn't right, she would never leave her phone for any reason. I rush down the stairs and look around for anything else to be helpful.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Cole asked walking over with Faith in his arms, she was wide awake and looking hungry, which means she was going to be a hassle to deal with if Cass isn't here.

"Something is wrong," I say while looking around still, ignoring the pain I was having.

"What do you mean?" Cole asked following me around.

"I mean, there's a dent in the wall on the steps, i found a flower petal under Faith's crib, and her phone is here and she isn't..... She's missing," I say calling someone.

"Hello?" Justin says on the other end.

"Justin, has Cass tried calling you? Or have you seen her today?" I asked.

"No why?"  he asked sounding worried now.

"We can't find her," I say hanging up the phone, which i know will make him angry but I didn't care.

"You think it's the same people hwo broke in last week?" Cole asked rocking Faith who was beginning to get fussy.

"No, those people got shot remember. Zack killed them," I say trying to think.

"Someone related to the case we are working on," Cole said making me think the same thing.

"I think it's time we had a talk with Lisa," I say walking out. We load the kids into the car and race tot he station. When we get there the others are waiting already. We have Molly and Talia take the kids to the break room and wait while Lisa is taken to an investigation room.

"You sure about this?" TJ asked as Cole opened the door and walked into the room. He hasn't spoken to Lisa since the night she came to my house. Turning the speaker on we listen.

"Cole," Lisa says in a bitchy voice. Cole doesn't say anything, only walks back and forth thinking. Knowing his sister was missing was killing him.

"Where is she Lisa?" Cole said calmly making Lisa cross her arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about Colton," She says making Cole slam his hands on the metal table, which makes her jump.

"Don't fucking play with me LIsa... You know about this whole thing. Who took Cassidy?" Cole shouts making TJ get ready to go in, but I hold my hand up telling him to wait.

"You think I had something to do with this?" Lisa says with a laugh. Cole backs up and texts someone. He deosn't say anything, and then Molly walks into the room with Lucas in her arms. Lucas lights up when he sees Cole. Cole smiles and takes his son in his arms. Lisa was trying to look like she didn't care, but you can tell she does.

"Lucas want to see mom?" Cole asked. Lisa looked at Lucas who was looking at her like he had no idea who she was. Lucas hides his face in Cole's shoulder before Molly takes him back out. 

"You see that! Your own son doesn't know who you are because you are locked up... Now tell us what we want to know and you get out sooner," Cole shouts. Lisa was on the verge of tears.

"His name's Jake Reyes, that's all I know," she says. Right away Josh and TJ rush to the tech room to look it up. Cole goes to leave the room and Lisa laughs.

"You won't find her in time," She says. 

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