Part 12

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Walking into the station with Cooper on a leash, I smile at Officer Gill.

"Morning Cassidy," he greets me as i pass.

"Morning," I say walking into the back where the boys are all talking.

"About time you got here," TJ said with a smile. Sam shakes his head in frustration.

"There is no way this guy is going to talk," Sam says.

"Yeah, he has a shit ton of drugs hidden somewhere in town and he isn't talking," Josh adds on making Cole groan.

"Cass, we really need some help with this one," Cole begs me as I pet Cooper.

"Sam?" I asked for permission this time.

"He's all yours. I mean he did tackle you to the ground and all," He says making me glare at him. I take Cooper and walk into the room, the boys can see through the glass, but the man can't see them. I make Cooper sit and I sit in the chair across from the man.

"Nick, nice seeing you again," I start off making him smirk at me.

"Yeah, I always remember a nice looking lady like yourself sweetheart," He says making me sick. I just laugh and cross my arms.

"You're already in jail Nick, why not tell us where the stash is?" I question looking him right in the eye. I look behind me when i hear the door open and close, TJ walked in, which means the boys had a case and TJ is looking out for me.

"Need a body guard now," He jokes. TJ just leans on the back wall with a smirk.

"Ignore him, focus on me buddy... Tell me, where is it all?" I say leaning on the table losing patients fast. He smiles and leans forward as well.

"Look sweet cheeks, I don't know why they have you here. You aren't getting anything out of me," He says making me mad. I get up and walk around the room.

"Low life like you, figures you wouldn't say anything," I say making him sit back and cross his arms, i know i was getting in his head now. "Let me guess, your boss is having you cover his ass, just so you can sit in jail for life," I say making him get to his feet hitting the table. This makes Cooper bark but then stop when TJ grabs his collar. TJ knows what I am doing and he just stands there smirking.

"I don't cover for people. And i sure as hell aint telling anything to a bitch..." He doesn't finish because i twist his arm behind his back and pin him to the wall leaning on him.

"This is what's about to happen Nick, you're going to tell me everything. It might refrain me from breaking your arm," I say to him making him look to TJ.

"Dude, control your officers, this is not cool," he compalins but TJ just laughs.

"Tell me," I say twisting his arm even more. He lets out a yell in pain and I smile, he was about to break.

"Okay!" He says making me loosen my grip. Yes, I am strong, i mean look who i have to deal with all the time. "The leaders name is Jacob, that's all I know. No one knows where the stuff is. We get orders to bring it to a location that is different everytime and then they move it," he says as i let him fall to the ground. I fix my shirt and walk over and grab Coopers leash and walk out. TJ follows behind me and claps.

"Dang, little girl got some strength," he says making me smile as we watch the guy in the mirror.

"So a guy named Jacob is all we got, not even a last name," i say not believing it.

"Well it fits, i mean what drug dealer is going to give a full name? I know i wouldn't if i was one, I would make sure things don't leave a trail," he says as we try and get in the mind of this guy.

"I would make them bring it to a location to another guy that I trusted to bring to the real location. So we have an unsolved case still," I say leaning on the wall.

"Hey, at least we got that far. He wouldn't even talk to any of us," Tj says making me smile.

"Wait," I say walking over to the holding cells where Lisa was still. "I have an idea," i say telling the officer to bring her to a holding room. After she is settled and I get Cooper with the other dogs to play, TJ stops me at the door.

"Cass waht are you doing?" he asked looking a little confused. I look at LIsa in the mirror.

"She likes drugs, this guy is the only one with drugs in our city. She has to know something," i say walking in. Lisa looks at me with a sad look.

"Cassidy, about yesterday," she starts saying, but i stop her.

"That's not why I am here," I say sitting down. "Lisa, I know about the drugs. Cole told me about them and everything else," I say making her get teary eyed.

"I tried stopping, i really did," She says letting a few tears slip and wipes her eyes.

"Lisa, I need to know where you got them from," I say to her in a serious voice. She looks at me like I was crazy and shakes her head.

"I don't know," she says crossing her arms and looking away. I know she is lying, i've seen enough lies in my life.

"Lisa!" I say hitting the table making her jump. Tj walks in after that.

"Cass calm down," he says knowing how I can get on cases like this.

"Look all I know is the guy who runs the thing is named Jacob, okay. That is all anyone knows, not that you will find him," she says with a smirk... What is going on here?

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