Part 8

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I pulled him down and we both went crashing to the ground. I quickly rolled to the side and pushed myself up, great, now my new outfit is all dirty. I groaned and looked to where the guy had just pushed himself up as well.

"Look, I really am not in the mood to do this whole fighting thing, so it would be helpful if you just gave up now," i say making them man smile a little before running at me. I groaned again as he tried to pass me and i grabbed him by the back of the shirt and he spun us both around until my back collided with the building behind us. He went to hit me and i moved my head to the side and he ended up punching the wall, making him groan in pain. I took the chance to knee him in the stomach and break from his grip. He quickly spun around and grabbed me by the arm and took me down until i was on the ground, with a few scraps now on my arms and legs from the cement. 

"Why does the station have girls on the team, they are worthless," He says making me mad. I hated how people thought girls can't be in this job, it pissed me off to be honest.

"I suggest you get off me," I said in an angry voice. I heard Sam on the speaker saying he was coming and i smirked. 

"Or what?" the man said. I just smiled and waited for it.

"That's why," I said just as Sam grabbed the guy and pinned him to the wall so hard, you could hear it from a mile away.

"Smuggling drugs, and assult on an officer. That just got you life in prison buddy," Sam said cuffing the man and looking back at me. I push myself off the ground and nod that I was okay as we walked back to the main road where everyone was.

"Are you okay?" Molly asked me as we got to the car. Sam pushed the man in and closed the door before walking over to us.

"Yeah, just a few scraps," I say as Sam shakes his head at me.

"Are you crazy Cassidy! What did dad tell you!" Cole says storming over with TJ, Josh, and Talia. I ignore him and fix my hair.

"You aren't supposed to be doing this anymore," Sam says as we walk to his truck. 

"Well, you obviously weren't going to get anywhere. So i decided on my own to put myself into the case, it was my choice," I say as we drive toward the station.

"I never said you couldn't do it... Your dad said, and you know he has his reasons," Sam says as he parks and we watch TJ take the guy inside followed by everyone else.

"Sam, im not a little girl. I can take care of myself and make my own choices," I say getting out of the car. He gets out and grabs my upper arm carefully and makes me stop and look at him.

"We don't want you to get hurt, you're only 19. You have your whole life to look forward to, and doing things like today make it risky," he says making me pull my arm away from his grip.

"My life Sam," I say walking into the station with him behind me.

"Good work kids," My dad says walking in from the back room. he sees me and shakes his head, i knew why too.

"One less threat in the world," Josh says locking the jail cell.

"Sad you rely on a little girl to do your dirty work," the man says trying to make us all mad. Everyone just ignores him and we keep talking. "If i had five minutes alone with that pretty face," he says getting a reaction out of some of us now. Sam walks up and hits the bars.

"Don't make me come in there," he saysmaking the guy smile. I walk over to Sam and place my hand on his back.

"Let it go Sam, he just wants to make you angry," I say as Sam backs away and wraps a protective rm around me. 

"All the things that woould be done," the man keeps says. This time he gets a reaction out of my dad.

"Son do you know where you are right now?" my dad says standing next to the bars.

"Jail, clearly," the man says in a joking ton.

"You're in a government facility, meaning you are in no position to be making comments. Peopel who end up in our cases usually don't make out well. You see we deal with people who are a threat to not only our town, but national security. Pissing us off isn't something you want to be doing, not with trained agents all around you," He says in a threatening tone. The man seems to get the picture now and sits down and doesn't speak another word.

"Well, i think it's time to call it a day. Training  then home for all you," my dad says to the boys as he walks away without another word. I already knew he was mad at me, so i wasn't going to push it any further.

"Alright, well we will see you all at home later," TJ says kissing Molly as we leave them there to do their training. 

Once I got home I greeted Cooper with a lot of love. He was my baby as far as I was concerned, until i had one of my own. I walked to the bathroom and cleaned up a little before going and making dinner. Homemade pizza it was, because i needed to go get food still. I made it and put it in the oven to cook, while it did that I decided to finish unpacking the last few boxes i had in my room. As i pulled things out i came across that old picture book, opening it I was flooded with pictures of us all as kids once again. I smiled as i flipped through, then I came to the one of Austin and I. I had took the time to color him in black so he wasn't showing. Then i flipped to one of Heath and I, I smiled and closed the book, not wanting to remember that. It took me months to get over Heath's death, i mean he helped me, he's the reason I am alive today. 

"Hey," Sam said standing in the doorway to my room. I got up off the floor and smiled at him and set the book on the side table by my bed.

"How was training?" I asked noticing he was all showered and looking fresh already.

"Brutal as always," He jokes walking over as I picked up a picture of us from Prom. I smiled, we were in the middle of a kiss when my mother took this picture.

"Best night ever," I say as Sam wraps his arms around my waist and sets his chin on my shoulder.

"Every night with you is the best night ever," He whispers kissing my cheek making me smile. That is what i loved about the two of us, we could be mad at eachother but still end up like this. It was what i always dreamed about, and I never knew it could be something so real and true.

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