Part 4

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After the boys leave we decided to leave as well. Saying goodbye to officer Gill and loading up the car, with a new passanger of course.

"Oh he is so cute Cass," Molly says petting Cooper who was on my lap in the front. Molly buckled as we pulled out. Talia leaned over and pet the puppy as well.

"Yeah, I was surprised when Sam said he was our's. I mean since Cole has Lexi and Jade at his house, i missed having a dog around," I say kissing Cooper between the ears. He licked my face and stood so his front paws were on the window and the back ones on my lap.

"Let's stop at the pet store and get him some things. I mean, you don't have any dog stuff so you need some," Molly says turning into the parking lot to the Pet store. I smile and nod, because it was true, we don't even have a leash for him. He needs to keep his badge collar on at all times, but we can change the color and just clip the badge back on. I grab a cart to put Cooper in so i don't need to carry him the whole time. We walk into the store and look around.

'Oh! Look at this cute collar," Talia says holding up a aqua blue collar with a mint color poka dots. I nod and she puts it in her cart. Molly grabs some bowls for his food and water, while i grab a ton of toys. Then we get a dog bed, which matches his collar and leash. Smiling i see a bandana that is aqua as well and grab it.

"We got everything I think," I say as we walk to the check out. Molly sets everything up on the counter as I pick up Cooper and wait for his leash to get paid for so i can put it on.

"Cute dog," the boy says who is helping us. I look up and smile at him, he looked around our age.

"Thanks, I just got him a few hours ago," I say opening the collar first and taking his old one off. I place it on the counter and the kid just stares at the badge on it.

"You're a cop?" the boy asked a little surprised. I smile and take the badge and move it to the new collar before placeing it back on Cooper then clipping his leash on and letting him down. 

"My boyfriend is, this is one of their training dogs. They just didn't have enough room for the poor little guy at the station so we are taking him home," I say as the kid leans down and pets Cooper. Cooper backs away and sits next to my foot.

"Doesn't like people?" the boy asked getting back up and bagging all out stuff.

"Well, he is a puppy," Molly says taking the bag and smiling. I smile at the kid and pick Cooper back up.

"Yeah, He is just trained that way, no biggy. Thanks for the help though," I say as the three of us walk back to the car and drive off.

"That kid was cute," Molly says as she pulls down my street. I look at her and shake my head, Talia was to busy playing with Cooper in the back seat.

"Yeah, he was friendly. Cooper didn't like him very much though," I say as Molly pulls into my driveway and parks. She helps me carry all the stuff in and Talia walks Cooper as we go inside. 

"Well, not like we will be there all the time. I can always just go to Walmart for Coopers food," I say setting all the stuff on the kitchen counter. Cooper was pulling to get off his leash and run around, so i unclipped him and he took off sliding around on the wood floors. 

"This stuff is so cute," Molly says setting the dog bed on the table to get the tags off it. I smile and take out the bowls and peel the stickers off, the bowls also matched the bed, collar and everything else. I filled the bowl up with water and placed it next to the coounter on the floor, on a matching mat of course, along with a food bowl, with food in it. Talia took the tags off all his toys and we placed them in a basket in the corner of the living room, along with his bed. Then i got the bandana out and called Cooper.

"Cooper!" I shouted listening for him to come. I heard his little paws coming across the wood floors and then he came slidding to a hult. I laugh and get on the ground and tie the bandana on him and let him run again.

"There, everything is all set up," Molly says as they get ready to leave. "Need anything else while we are here?" she asked as i walk them to the door. 

"No, thanks for the help though. See you all early for school tomorrow," I say making Talia groan.

"I am so sick of this school thing already," she says making me laugh and hug her.

"Yeah well, we need it," I say as they walk to the car. I wave goodbye before closing the door and going up stairs, Cooper following behind me. He was so cute trying to get up the stairs, he did one at a time and almost fell a few times, buthe made it. I ran to my bedroom with him chasing me before i jumped in my bed. Cooper was to small and all i could see was his head when he stood on his hind legs to look up. I laughed and picked him up, setting him on the bed. He looked around before coming next to my side and laying down. I smiled and petted him until i fell asleep after awhile.

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