Chapter One

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The sound of heels echoed throughout the halls, the lights flickering here and there whenever they pleased

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The sound of heels echoed throughout the halls, the lights flickering here and there whenever they pleased. Giant metal doors clung onto the side of the walls each bearing six or seven long metal bars. Some doors had been bashed to a point where they had been completely torn off of their hinges. Inside were completely bleached rooms with the only source of light being the ones built into the ceiling.

However even some of these had been smashed, the perfectly white padded walls and floor shredded to reveal plain grey cement.

The sound then suddenly stopped.

The sounds had stopped in front of a door numbered 248, and in small letters it stated, 'The Red Snowman'. Sanding beside the door was two, men heavily armed.

"Ahh Ms Kim it's a pleasure to see you." Whispered a small voice.

A polite chuckle echoed as a lady with nut brown hair smiled towards one of the guards. "Please Mr Shin the pleasure is all mine."

The other man slightly shifted towards the door his hand resting on the handle. This door was unlike any of the others it had been barricaded with vertical and horizontal bars. It had many locks on it and was only one that a peep hole. "I assume you would like to see the patient Ms Kim." The one on the right plainly said in a bow.

"If you wouldn't mind Mr Dong." Ms Kim smiled towards him this time her flattering smile not altering for a second.

The two men looked at each other and nodded before unlocking the door and using both their combined strength to move it. Ms Kim walked into another room barricaded by yet another metal door. With a click the door behind her had shut close and locked itself, the one in front of her slowly creaking open.

As she stepped into the room, she was met with a white room just like any other. However, in this one a boy in a white jumpsuit sat in the corner with his back faced to her. Chains were clearly shown connecting from the walls to his hands and feet, there was even one on his neck. As she walked closer, she could her him slightly mumbling to himself. Then she realized it wasn't to himself but to her.

"You make one hundred and ninety-nine." The boy muttered towards her.

"One hundred and ninety-nine what may I ask?"
To be honest the boy was in better condition than what she had been told. Stories of him trying to attack certain doctors while others had shared theirs about the way he spoke. Tales of his sickening laughs were always told to newcomers to scare them away from the ward, and the doctors that talked to him would warn the new ones...that is if they still worked there.

However, Ms Kim didn't see any of this in the boy in her eyes he was quite calm actually. She allowed herself step closer to him and sit on the floor behind him.

The boy just chuckled at the sound of Ms Kim sitting down and began to speak, "You are the one hundredth and ninety-ninth on the list of doctors I've seen."

Her eyes began to widen in shock, how could this small boy have scared off one hundred and ninety-eight doctors. "You do realize that once you get to two hundred you are to be moved to maximum security? Which would mean that you get- "

"I know."

Ms Kim couldn't help but to be confused how could the boy be so calm about this subject. "Well, I am going to try my best to help you. My name is- "

"Ms Kim...I know." He once again cut off the lady with an even calmer voice then the last.

"How do you know?" She was quite intrigued but this boy as she had never met someone with his conditions so calm, so young.

"It says it on your badge Ms Jennie Kim." His voice only grew softer as he kept speaking. It was like he was trying to call her closer and without even realizing she followed this call.

"Ahh I see it does. So, do you have a name?" She questioned her voice getting softer too.

"You know what Ms Jennie I think I'm really going to miss this place. I actually quite liked it, I wonder why people think it's so bad." He stated completely ignoring Jennie's question.

Now however Jennie could tell something was wrong his soft and calm voice grew deeper and louder at every word he spoke. It confused her on what his voice really sounded like. One too quiet to be properly heard the other changing whenever it felt like it. She flinched at it.

"Don't worry I'll make sure you don't have to go to maximum security, but if you don't mind me asking why would you miss it." She said placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

He turned to faced her, his dark eyes piercing into hers. Involuntarily she flinched yet again making the smile on his face turn into a smirk. Chuckling he brushed her hand off his shoulder only leaving eye contact for a second. His actions confused Jennie, but his words made them clear.

"It reminds me of the snow."

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