Chapter Twelve

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The two boys froze as they let the information seep in. They were blood mates.

I mean sure Yeonjun might've had the biggest crush on the boy ever since primary school and a fair few times did he wish that they would become more then just friends. But never did he imagine blood mates.
In fact, he grew up learning the term and believing that it was just an old legend created to show that even the coldest of creatures could find love.

"Uh, can someone explain?" Johnny asked on behalf of the whole werewolf squad.

Yeosang sighed and looked up at the confused ones.
"Vampires are often perceived as blood sucking, cold, soulless creatures and are often used to scare young children from getting out of bed in the night. According to many we feed off of humans because our everlasting thirst can only be satisfied with their blood. We are heartless in their eyes even to our own kind. They perceive our enemies as the wolves and ourselves. It got to a point where we started believing it.
We truely became unable to love, just like they said we were.
So, matters were taken into hands and the legend of blood mates was created. It was formed with some of inspiration from werewolf mates and how they find them at a certain age, have scents that only the mate can smell and...even marking was also put into it.
Instead of scents, one eye becomes the colour of the mate's when they are transformed and that specific one shall never change colour until the mate has passed away.
Your kind says you can't find your mate until you're eighteen because of the things a mate must go through and control, and it is only suitable for them to be at an older more sophisticated age. Ours, however, let's you find your mate at any age all you have to do is save the other from pain or...drawing blood.
We consume other creatures' blood because we cannot take our own kinds as it is far too cold for us to drink. Blood mates are the only exception, once they have found each other the only blood they want to drink is from the other, in fact it is...the only blood they can drink. That is how they mark each other, for us it's a symbol of hardship. It proves to us that we can overcome the need to take others' lives. That we are not heartless and that we...can find love."

They all just stood there in silence after Yeosang had finished explaining the key details.
Jin had tried to check up on the two to see if they were hurt anywhere. He immediately returned to his place next to Lia when he received a glare from Soobin for coming to close to Yeonjun.

Suddenly Yeonjun gasped and turned to JooE and Lucas. "Does that mean you guys aren't mates?!"

JooE stood and thought for a second while Lucas started panicking. "What do you mean by that!?" He yelled as fast as he could.

"Well, you saved JooE noona from pain and or drawing blood. Yet, your eyes didn't change like ours." Yeonjun explained to a now freaking out Lucas.

JooE just chuckled and placed a hand on Lucas' shoulder instantly steading him. "It only works like that if you're in your vampire form."

After hearing that Lucas sighed in relief and lied down next to the closest tree but lifted his head up when he thought about it again. "So what form were you in?"

"Phoenix." She shrugged.

"Excuse me what now?" Minho said in confusion.

"It's a rare type of hybrid, they are able to transform into a phoenix or disguise themselves as humans with some of the abilities a phoenix would have. For example fire manipulation-"
"AND COMUNICATION!" JooE yelled cutting into Bang Chan's explanation.
"JooE that's not a normal ability to have and you only have it because your somehow also part dragon. Anyway, back to what I was saying she has the same traits a normal Phoenix would and more, a perfect example of that would be...Jerry."

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