Chapter Thirteen

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"So, Bang Chan and Johnny are both part werewolf part zombie then?" Lia said pointing at the two and once she received a nod from both of them, she went to speak again. "So does that mean neither of you have special powers, but you still have the abilities that a wolf and zombie would?"

"Pretty much." Johnny shrugged and looked around the circle waiting for the next person to speak up.

"Why don't we go in the direction of the circle, so Felix you can next." Bang Chan said placing a hand on the youngers shoulder.

"Alright then I'll go." He drifted his gaze around the circle and took a deep breath before he was cut off.

"I'll bet you fifteen bucks that he's part Siren." JooE said nudging Yeonjun to place his own bet.

Yeonjun chuckled at JooE accepting the challenge. "I'll take that bet, fifteen that he's part merman."

They both smirked at each other and shook hands before turning to face the boy they had just placed bets on.

"Uh, how do I explain this now..." Felix paused not completely knowing how to tell the pair who won. "I'm sort of part werewolf, part merman and part siren. So, you both win I guess."

JooE and Yeonjun immediately turned to each other and dropped their smirks. They glared at each other for a hot minute before JooE jumped onto Yeonjun. Almost instantly they were both rolling around in the mud aiming for each other's pockets trying to get the money out.

Soobin tried to get JooE off Yeonjun but ended up glaring at Lucas once he saw he was doing the same and tried to get Yeonjun off of JooE, which then started a fight between them. Soon enough Yeosang got tired of seeing the four fight, so he started a fight with Leedo for the heck of it.

"Give me the money Yeonjun!"

"No way! You give ME the money!"

"In your dreams!"

"Don't touch my mate!"

"Well, then don't touch my JooE!"

"You don't tell me what to do grandpa!"

Leedo and Yeosang were now standing up yelling at each other about who knows what. I'm serious no one knew because of the fact they were yelling at the top of their lungs as well as the other four.

All of a sudden Leedo gave Yeosang a light shove which accidentally knocked him into Minho, but that wasn't it. Minho had also stood up in an attempt to stop the two from fighting and when Yeosang knocked into him he ended up scratching his side.

Yeosang sat on the dirt holding his side while trying to control his breathing. When he pulled his hands away however, he gasped and shook for a second. He was bleeding.

"I am so sorry Yeosang I didn't mean too I swear!" Minho apologized when he saw the blonde boy curl up in pain. Quickly he knelt down next to the younger and tried to take a look at the scratch only to be thrown into a tree next to Lia causing her to scream.


"Wow thanks for your concern Lia." Minho groaned, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

Lia opened her mouth to reply but was stopped when Jin hid behind her whimpering. She looked at him for a second with a confused look on her face before shifting her gaze to where he was looking.
Yeosang had...disappeared.

"Jin hyung what's wrong?" Bang Chan asked running over to the elder who was now trembling with fear.

The elder only pointed in the direction where Yeosang should've been, then he gasped. His eyes shone a stunning shade of bubble-gum pink as he turned to Minho and placed his hands on his shoulders violently shaking him.

Once Leedo saw this he ran towards the place Jin had pointed to and pushed what looked to be air. "Minho run!" Then he turned to the girl with the coloured tips who immediately understood what was wrong.
"JooE follow him."

Without a complaint she pulled the boy away from the group as they ran into the darkness not daring to look back. They ran at a speed that no mere mortal could dream of, and they kept running until they reached an old train station, overgrown by various types of flora.

"Why are we here?! What happened to Yeosang and Jin!?" Minho immediately started to question the girl once she let go of the grip on his hand.

Her eyes were more serious than he'd ever seen them...that's if he's ever seen her serious in the first place. She looked down at the blood flowing out of the wound on his shoulder before looking back at him. "The gash you gave Yeosang must've set Yeosang's transformation thingy off and your wound would've caused Jin's to start to."

"Then why did he look at where Yeosang was with such fear. Where'd he even go?"

"Leedo was the only person that knew Yeosang before we met him for this investigation type shit and as I'm the only one in the group who's actually chill with any sort of bleeding from another being he told me to take you here. He also told me that Yeosang is part ghoul, part demon, part vampire and part siren, if you stayed there for any longer, he would've killed you and that's only if Jin didn't get to you first. He's half vampire, half angel, it's an ironic duo of supernatural creatures works."

"What about their powers, did Leedo tell you Yeosang's?" Minho continued to question the girl pulling his shirt down a little to cover the exposed wound on his shoulder. "And how come you're the only one that wouldn't have gone crazy over my blood?"

She paused for a second before letting her eyes drift back to where Minho's wound was. Even if it was for a split second maybe even a split nanosecond her eyes were engulfed with fire.

"Are you sure you can really handle it or are you just trying to act tough like you always do?"

She shook the thoughts away and smiled when she looked back into Minho's confused eyes, his hair was all fluffy and messy from the running and displayed on his lips was a small pout. Even she had to admit, when he wasn't being a sarcastic bitch he was pretty cute, but she already had her eyes on someone.

"He did actually and obviously I know Jin's since we've been friends for years now. Yeosang has the powers of Charm Speaking and Invisibility while Jin's powers are Poison and Sonic Screams. That's the reason why Yeosang suddenly disappeared after he attacked you and why Leedo wanted me to get you out of there."

Minho took a second to process the new information he had gained. "Thank you for helping me." He whispered trying hard not to meet the girl's eyes.

She just chuckled at him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Don't thank me, thank Leedo. If he didn't tell me about this stuff or know in the first place, I don't think Yeosang, and Jin would be the only two that would be affected by that little scratch of yours."

"You still haven't answered why you aren't effected though."

JooE turned away from the boy and sighed deeply regretting saying that in the first place. "It's sort of...complicated. You see...most people would immediately see me as just a vampire because of my family's history."

Minho cocked his head to the side when he heard this which caused JooE to let out a small giggle. "My family is known to have one of the biggest linage of full-blood vampires...I not. In fact, sometimes I don't even know what I am. I mean my parents have gotten so many tests on me to see if I'm actually their child it's almost impossible to think I was ever regarded as one."

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