Chapter Four

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"What do you mean the Sun team has gone missing?!""The switch to Saturn has been broken and aliens are coming to fix it

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"What do you mean the Sun team has gone missing?!"

"The switch to Saturn has been broken and aliens are coming to fix it."


"I fucking knew it!!"

"No of course not! Like come on Yeonjun what do you think the Sun team has gone missing means!? And JooE what the fuck?!"

"What I'm waiting for Tae to come back and finally tell me what colour he's dog is!"

Jin both mentally and physically facepalmed at JooE's words. "Can we focus on the matter at hand right now." Chan said pushing in between the three.

"Chan's right you guys if the Sun team went missing and they're actually calling us for help somethings not right." Lia joined in.

They looked to Chan to see if he had any ideas causing him to shift uncomfortably and stutter out some thoughts. "We'll p-probably need to speak to the chief to get a grip on what's happening first. T-then I guess we check their last locations and what they wer- "

"As much as I hate to interrupt Chan's failed attempt at trying to be the leader, I have something that you guys need to see." Leedo said spinning on his chair to face the others for what seemed like the first time today.

The group pilled in around his desk as he signalled them to look at his computer. An email had been opened and the sender read...Chief Pin.

"My lovely Moon team I am in terribly sorry to interrupt your work, but I have to tell you something. As you have been told the almighty  Sun team has gone missing. - "

"Ha, almighty my ass"

"JooE shut up let Leedo read!" Jin yelled while signalling Leedo to continue.

"As I was saying. It pains me to inform you that you may not find them alive. You see they recently called claiming that they had found 'The Red Snowman's' base and were  just finding their exact coordinates when...he attacked. A beast I'm sure you all know very well of, appeared on that screen right before my very eyes. It was so shocking that I couldn't put my mind around it until now. Now all the puzzle pieces fit together. Now I can see what truly happened to our beloved Sun team. The killer wasn't what we had expected it to be. Not even the Moon Goddess could have predicted what that beast could've been.

I now have to ask a favour of you. Help bring this 'Red Snowman' to justice. Make a team of twelve, no less, no more. People who are our kind not theirs. We may have told the media that they are just missing but soon we won't be able to keep that lie up. Please try your best because a police team's first investigation is always the one, they look back on the most.

Hurry start at once. I believe in you...we count on you."

As he finished the room was filled with silence. Everyone was focusing on the chiefs words, 'he attacked,' 'A beast I'm sure you know very well of,' 'Not even the Moon Goddess,' 'a police team's first investigation'...'Make a team of twelve'.

"Who the fuck are we supposed to recruit for this job!?" Lia yelled with both confusion and fury.

"And we need twelve of them!" She continued.

"Calm down Lia we can just go to some random strangers and be like, 'Hey you wanna go fight beasts and possibly get murdered while doing it!'" JooE said with a calm tone in her voice.

She just rolled her eyes at the elder while turning to some of the more responsible people in the room. "Any ideas?"

Everyone seemed to be thinking when suddenly JooE's hand shot up in the air as she made noises in excitement. "Oh, oh I know! I know! Pick me! Pick me!"

"Anyone who won't possibly say some random old guy off the street who they thought they saw doing witchcraft while they were drunk." Lia said, well practically begged.

Everyone slowly shook their heads bearing scared looks on their faces. "Okay then JooE what do you got for us?"

"Remember how I said I know a group back in the Crime Analyst department, well the group themselves are not all good. However, there is this one guy who's, one really good at method acting, two can find hardest clues to spot in a criminal's criminal record, and three is Yeonjun's boyfriend."

Yeonjun was smiling at the thought of the familiar boy until JooE claimed him to be his boyfriend. "JooE shut up! How many times do I need to tell you he's not my boyfriend!?"

"Yet." She pointed out.

That just made Yeonjun blush even harder.

"Okay enough talking about Yeonjun's love life, what's this guy's name?" Bang Chan said while Yeonjun thanked him.

"Soobin his name is Choi Soobin, but soon we'll call him Yeonjun's boyfriend cause he apparently isn't already."

Yeonjun was red in the face but whether it was from blushing or anger was impossible to tell. "Okay then since Soobin's joining the team I've got someone in mind too." He mini yelled making sure to go just above inside level.

"And who would that be?" Leedo asked confusion on his face. Why did he look so smug about this. Suddenly Yeonjun turned to him and smirked making Leedo immediately get it. Then he too chuckled a little.

"Oh, now you have to tell if they made Leedo hyung laugh." Bang Chan advanced pure interest in his voice.

"Well, he's quite strong, pretty good at distractions, pranks that can be used as somewhat of a trap are one of his specialities and drives really well." His voice deepened a bit at his last couple of words as JooE immediately realized who he meant.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, but I would dear JooE noona as you see Soobin has been selected for a possible recruit so why not this one."

"And who exactly would this one be Yeonjun." Jin leaned in being quite intrigued with Yeonjun and JooE's mysteriousness.

Yeonjun turned to Leedo daring him to say it, he just rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to speak. "JooE's boyfriend from last night's race...Lucas."

"So, you admit it you did go racing last night!"

"I never denied it Jin hyung they were the ones who were telling you they didn't go." Leedo said putting his hands up in defence.

"True, true but are you two really sure about having some commentator on the team?" Bang Chan asked.

Suddenly Lia's eyes narrowed as she turned on Chan. "How did you know that this Lucas guy was a commentator Chan?" She questioned suspicion clear in actions as she stepped closer to Chan.

He instinctively stepped back as he realised what he has just said. "I-I guess it was just a lucky guess." He threw his hands up to try and seem innocent until JooE stepped in.

"He came to watch the race last night and offered to take us to the bar afterwards if we didn't tell you. Then the commentators came with us and ending pulling a couple of really cool pranks on each other. Also don't worry because both Lucas and Soobin are our kind."

Chan looked like he had just been robbed of trust while JooE just shrugged. Then his nose scrunched up and he decided to continue on JooE's statement. "Oh, JooE you're forgetting the part about you and Lucas flirting the whole night. I think I heard something about trying his luck in a race sometime."

Just as this argument was about to continue Jin stopped it. "Guys come one we need twelve people and so far, we've only got six determined, two in mind and another four that need to be thought of. Fighting over how JooE and Yeonjun are both hopeless at romance won't help us." Jin yelled at them all except Lia who had retreated to her computer and Leedo who had followed out of boredom.

"We might have a list hyung."

The room had turned to the pair on the computer who both wore smirking faces. "Come and check it out."

The group once again huddled around one computer screen as Lia typed in a couple of names.

"So, so far we've got me, Jin, JooE, Chan, Leedo, Yeonjun, Soobin and Lucas on our list." As she spoke, she typed in the names of the ones she had just called out.

"Lia used to know a were named Johnny that agreed to help us."

"That fast how did you contact them and give them the time to reply" Jin said shockingly.

"Well, you guys weren't doing anything productive when I thought of him, so I just called him. Let's just say the man's got a lot of time on his shoulders." She stated.

"Okay now if I can continue once we had determined the ninth addition to the team, I thought of someone else who could help us."

"And who would that be..." Chan asked his voice becoming as quiet and calm as the boy he has questioned.

"You'll find out when he gets here."

"Well, I can't wait to meet him but I'm getting sick of the only other girl on the team being JooE, so I think it's time to get another girl." Lia announced while folding her arms.

"What's that supposed to mean?" JooE interrogated coping the youngers motion and narrowing her eyes.

As Lia opened her mouth to speak Jin slammed his hand on it to prevent any sound coming out. "This is one of the many reasons we don't have any more girls like you two. Another reason is imagine if we got another annoying ruling-breaking police officer like JooE. If that's not enough then what about a chill for five seconds, hyperactive, 'cuteness overload' girl like Lia."

"Have you got a problem with that?" They both questioned in unison causing Jin to step back in fear.

"Oh, and it's irritating Jin not annoying." JooE said in a matter of fact type of voice.

"Guys stop I think I know two people who can help us with our little job here." The room turned to the black-haired boy sitting quietly in the corner.

"Who are they Chan?"

"They're old friends of mine. One is a sunray of sunshine the other can be that, but most people don't see that."

"I didn't ask for a description Chan I asked for names." JooE huffed earning a slap on the back of the head from Jin.

"Their names are Felix and Minho...that's all I can tell you for now."

"Pretty suspicious if you ask me, I mean he said old friends right so that's obviously a lie. Chan has no friends." Another slap was heard from the room and a groan of pain came shortly after.

"Okay so here's what's gonna happen, once my friend gets here, yes JooE I have friends and if you try and say another word, I'll personally make this your last day on earth, when he get's here Lia, Chan and Jin will get Johnny and Chan's friends. Then while they're doing that me, Yeonjun, my friend and JooE will get their boyfriends. Sound good." Leedo explained gaining everyone's attention and making a certain person stop at the door.

"So, I'm just 'Leedo's Friend' now huh?" a figure with white-blonde hair said with a ton of sass as they stood at the door.

"Your friend's kinda cute if I say so myself, and I have to say another stunning blonde." JooE smirked as she flicked hair back.

"Shut it JooE! Listen I didn't mean to offend you they didn't know your name because I didn't tell them, so I just said, 'my friend'." He said putting his hands up in defence.

"Oh well if you didn't tell them I'll let you off this one time." The unnamed boy said turning to the others. "Hi I'm Yeosang."

"It's great to meet you my name is Jin, also known as Worldwide Handsome, WWH for short." He flicked his hair back as he spoke.

"G'day fella my name's Bang Chan and I'm from Australia! Now that doesn't feel right without Felix." He half yelled half whispered the last part only to himself.

"I'm the Cuteness Overload Queen Lia, nice to meet you." She smiled offering her hand out to him.

"Hello, I'm Yeonjun no explanation needed." He introduced...I guess.

"HEEEEEEEYYY, I'M NON-PIGATAIL JOOE!" She scream with ten times the normal amount of enthusiasm even he was standing just at the door.

"Wow, your very... enthusiastic." He said pausing to find the right word.

"Why thank you Mr Yeosang." She slightly bowed as she spoke as if she had just been given an award.

"So about finding the other people..." Jin said trailing off to let someone else speak.

"Right, we should do that now Yeosang's here. Ok guys if you listened you know the groups, if you didn't then sucks to be you cause I ain't repeating it." Leedo stated grabbing Yeosang and walking out the door JooE and Yeonjun following in suit.

This left the 'responsible three' in the room. "I think we should go and get Johnny first so we can get that out of the way. Then we'll go and get Chan's friends." Lia listed after the room was greeted with nothing but silence.

"Let's do that, they'll probably be somewhere close to nowhere because I know how noise complaints Felix gets." He sounded and looked focused and heroic, but his words were not so much of that.


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