Chapter 1 - The Discovery.

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Surviving School - Book 1 of the Spoken Dead Series.

Chapter 1.

The wind was blowing fiercely around St. Alan's Secondary school, the sky was filled with rotten cloud's that were filled with rain. Suddenly, the sound of heavy footsteps were thumping across the plain of the school. A boy around 15 years old with long-ish black hair that would cause scene and emo girls alike to swoon, entered through the rusted school gates, scrapping his combat boot on the cobbled walk way. To his astonishment the school seemed empty, not a sound from the usually busy yard. He checked his watch coming to the conclusion that he was late, so he picked up his pace and entered the school.

He went to to water fountain as he usually would and filled up his water bottle. After taking a large gulp an awful after taste entered his mouth. He brought the bottle up to his nose and smelt a pungent scent causing hm to gag and throw the bittle in the nearest trash can.

Farom behind him there was large crash, makng hi m turn. He met some bright green eyes that clashed with his dark brown ones. However these eyes were filled with fear and shock. He scanned the person, it was a boy that looked approximatly 14, he was tall around 5" 9 and very thin, and he had what seemed to look like blood matted in his curly brown hair.

"RUN!" The green eyed boy screamed running in from the direction that he came and the older male followed intrigued by the commostion. He followed and saw what caused all the fear in that strange boys green eyes. There stood a girl drenched in blood, calling out loudly. This caused them both to stop and focus on the girl.

"Oh my god, whats wrongwith her?" the dark haired questioned in shock, takinga step closer only to be stopped the the curly haired stranger .

"Don't get any closer" Fiercely whispered the 14 year old , his green eyes glinting in the dim light.

"What? Look at her she's clearly hurt!"

"Shes one of them now"

"One of what? Look we can't just leave her" Then the girl let out another moan stepping closer to them both. The as abbruptly as she had appeared, she lunged at the both amiming for the 15 year-olds neck. He grabbed her arms just in time and she began hissing and spluttering blood at him.

"What the hell? Get her off me!" The emo-haired boy yelled. Only for a the girl to limp in his arns and slump onto him. He threw her off whiping invisable cotten of his black hoody. When the lood up he saw a girl holding a bloodied chisle in her hand. Her hair was a dyed black and was cut into what he though was a scene-kid hair style however, it was windswept and mess.

"You should really be more careful" the girl said with a bitter edge to her voice. But the her brown eyes widened at the sight of the possbly insane green-eyed boy. She quickly caught him in a hug.

"God, Alex,  I thought you were dead." She murmurmed into he shoulder. Sheas around two inches smaller than him. They released each other, and she turned to face me.

"Wow, aren't you lucky!" She spoke with pent up emotion. She was clothed in a big black jacket with the letter 'L' printed on the breast pocket.

Then Alex spoke up " Come on, Leigh, we need to fnd somewhere safe" Then turned to face the darked eyed and dark haired stranger "I'm Alex,this is Leigh and you are..." He said in a way that suggest someone else finsih his sentense.

"I'm Br-" The emo boy started however was cut off by the goth girl.

"Look, we need to move names aren't important now and we need to keep quiet or we'll attracted more of them."

What the hell is happening?

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