Chapter 15 - You have an axe, dumbass.

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Surviving School - Book 1 of the Spoken Dead Series.

Chapter 15 - You have an Axe, Dumbass.

Emo-boy kept a tight hold on his axe, as he, Leigh and Alice walked towards the Music Block. He loved it there, it's kind of sad that the one place he felt at home at school would be the place they would discover the truth of what happened here.

He lept close to Leigh, mostly. She was still angry. Very angry. Her hands were shaking slightly, and her jaw was clenched. Maybe the infection is effecting her? He thought to himself. Then again he was infected as well, and yet Leigh was taking it worse. He thought back to Alana, when she whisper those words in his ear....everything changed. He felt guiltily. But how could he have known that small detail? Exactly. He couldn't.

"Hey Alice, can i have the walkie-talkie?" He needed to talk to Lucy, and quickly. Alice handed it over, whilst filming the world surrounding her. She looked so contented, in contrast to Leigh who was conveying such terrible emotions. Pain was chiseled her features, fatigue was showing quite boldly. Her shoulder wound was still bleeding, even through the bandages. Her face was marked with the deep scratches cause by Alex. He flinched at the thought of him hurting her. She shouldn't have saved him.

He pressed that 'Talk' button and did just that "Hello, Lucy?" He tried to keep his voice hushed, and surprisingly only Alice gave his conversation any notice, but that still was minimal.

"Oh, Hey...The guy with the Emo-hair, right?" He voice sounded scared. It's not a suprise, the place is filled with zombie. Didn't she say she had a gun? He thought to himself.

"Look, okay, My name is Br-" He was cut off by a crackling sound coming through the walkie-talkie. "Damn it!" This was getting bad he needed to talk to Lucy, although there was a lot intelligence in her grey eyes, she was hiding so many secret's within them.

"Sorry 'bout that. We had to set off running, well I couldn't talk." She seemed breathless thought the walkie-talkie. "What's up?"

"I really need to talk to you. In private. When we meet up with you guys. Ican't tell you now, but it's really important." Finally, thing's may change.

"Well, sure I guess. We'll see you there..." She sounded hesitant.

They continued walking though the school's outdoor alley ways, ever so often they would encounter a zombie or two, but Leigh and her Emo-friend took them out with sonewhat ease. Eventually they set off running toward the Music Block. Leigh always looking out for Alice, trying to cover up the tired look on her face.

To get up the music classroom, they needed to get up two floors. They hallways leading to the music block were narrow, meaning that if they were inhabited by the undead there would be a struggle.

They reached the doors to the Music Block,. The door's were locked.

"Fuck Me!" Emo-boy  yelled, banging fruitlessly on the doors. He then turned to face the other two survivors. Leigh had her arms folded across her chest and Alice was tampering with something on her camera. The blood was pounding in his brain and ears, they had just run all this way and now they were trapped out of the building they needed to be in. And to make matter's worse, Leigh and Alice were just stood there. He was just about ready the throttle them, but Alana appeared next to him.

"Are you stupid?" Alana seethed. His fist clenched, he could not deal with right now. She shouldn't be here, never mind that she couldn't be here. It's not possible. "You have an axe, dumbass." He briefly remembered Alana's love of America, its culture, its people and its vocabulary. She wanted to go to Florida, start a life there. She hated the cold, which was common in England. She also hated swimming, she never learned, she was like a cat. He frowned at his own thought.

He readied his axe and took a power swing at the door. And then another and then another. He broke the door down and looked back at his two supposed friends, after them contributing nothing.

"I wondered how long it would take you to realize that it would only take that to get in." Leigh snickered and he glared. "Come on, Alice." She grabbed Alice's hand and walked through the shattered door.

He followed after them, still feeling Alanas presence as he walked. He tried to ignore her, but she lingered next to him.

"Why are you ignoring me? You can get away." Alana chimed in. Leigh seemed shift slightly, as if she could hear Alana's voice. The halls were quiet. Too quiet. However, there was some corpses surrounding them as they walked up the old stairs case on the way to their meeting point.

"Leave me alone!" He hissed, to low for Leigh or Alice to hear. He was going crazy. She was destroying hm, inside out. Ripping his mind apart, opening the scars that had been once healed.

"You'll have to face this one day." He voice was as hard and cold, but she abruptly disappeared. Thank God.  Well, maybe.

He continued walking and eventually reached the the top floor. The music block.  Alice was filming with her free hand, the one Leigh wasn't holding. They walked down the corridor, out of the stairwell.

Emo-boy stepped in front and began opening doors, slowly. He opened the first one and many music sheets and booklet fell on him. Everyone took this as a joke. Then there was  creaking and a body feel. It wasn't a zombie. It was Mr. Holden, his drum teacher. He an a rope around his neck, and his body was limp. He killed himself. Emo-boy flinched back and gagged whilst bending over. He then closed the door and closed his eyes. They were all silent.

"Guys! What are you-" A voice echoed boldly through the corridor. Leigh quickly when into action pinning then intruder to the wall. Claire. Her eyes were wide with fear.

"Do. Not. Seek. Up. On. Me." Leigh said sternly and released Claire from the wall.

"On edge, are we?" Claire mocked "Is the infection effecting you? Aw, you poor baby." She reached out and tried to grab Leigh cheek, but Leigh slapped it away and turned in disgust.

"Oh, Hello everyone." Alice said brightly as the group reunited. Luke, Callum, Claire and finally Lucy, who's boy cut bronze hair was shinning in the dim light. She was wearing her paramedic's jacket, which included the badge he saw earlier.

"Are you ready?" Lucy asked them.

No one answered.

They were not ready, they never would be.


Hello :D It's been a while, hasn't it? How are you? Did you like the chapter? Comment and vote if you want. Also, I'm including another picture, tell me if you like :) Comment and Vote if you want. Thanking you for reading x

Surviving School - Book 1 of the Spoken Dead Series.Where stories live. Discover now