Chapter 9 - Special Unit.

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Surviving School - Book 1 of the Spoken Dead Series.

Chapter 9 - Special Unit.

The group was calm inside the store room, the room was filled with boxes of food, some of hich was fresh. There, however, was not anything to drink, except water from the basen in the corner. Callum when over and attempted to drink, but the black haired 15 year-old stopped him.

"I wouldn't drink that is I were you." He advised Callum.

"Why?" He questioned.

"The stuff is rank, seriously. Just smell it." Callum turner on the tap and did as her was instructed, he let out a shudder of discust.

"Wait. You drank some of the water? When?" Lucy cut into the conversation.

"Around -" He galnced at his watch. "- 1 hour and 27 minuates ago. Why?"

"No reason. Just wondering."She looked at him with suspisious eyes.

"I was wonder, how did no one get in her to save you? I mean you said you'd been in here 21 hour's."

"Some people did get through, like me. But, there was too many zombie's and we were over run. If Leigh hadn't found me, I'd be dead by now."

"Yeah, but how is no other help getting through." Lucy remained silent. "You know something don't you?"

"Yes." She replied weakly.This cause everyone to stop there conversation's and turn theor interest to her.

"What is it?" Leigh asked.

"They've shut off the road, claiming there's a bomb inside the school."

"What?" Leigh and the 15 year old exclaimed.

"There trying to cover it up."

"Why, didn't you tell us this before?" Leigh was getting extremely pissed. "And you- "She shot dagger's at the emo-boy. "-how did you get here? If there roads are blocked off, and why weren't you here yesterday?"

"Yesterday was Sunday." This was his hushed reply.

"What? Yesterday, was Monday, that doesn't- oh!" She put her head down and began muttering inaudiable thing's to herself.

"What?" He asked her.

"Someone didn't want you here." Lucy answered.

"What do you mean?"

"You are obviouly important for some reason. Why would you miss a day completely?"

"I did wonder. I mean I thought it had been a long weekend." He said with a light chuckle.

"Maybe it has something to do with the zombie's?" Alice suggested.

"Yes, how long ago did you say you had drank the water?"

"1 hour and 29 minute's ago, now."

"That's strange you should have..." Lucy trailed off.

"I should have what?"

"Become a zombie by now."

"What I only drank some water."

"Yes, but the water was spiked with the virus." Everyine's mouth was open wide.

"How could you possibly know this?" Leigh asked her in disbelief.

"When we got the first 999 call from the school, we knew it was a outbreak. So our special unit was sent in."

"Wait, a special unit?"

"Yes, it is a unit put together to make sure there are no viral-outbreaks, and if there are we have to eliminate them. We underestmated the size of the outbreak, and most of my teammate's died. I'm only a paramedic, nothing special. I only have a hand gun and that only has 3 bullet's left. I also have a radio, but I lost signal around when you found me. I was requesting back but there as no reply."

Surviving School - Book 1 of the Spoken Dead Series.Where stories live. Discover now