Chapter 2 - Riddles.

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Surviving School - Book 1 of the Spoken Dead Series.

Chapter 2  - Riddles.

The group began side stepping around the school. The black haired boy was still confused by the display performed by Leigh and Alex.

"Could someone tell me whats going on, please?" The 15-year-old said in a rude tone of voice.

Leigh stopped in her tracks and turned to face him, still holding the chisel in a defensive stance.

"You know, it is indredably lucky for you that you didn't turn uo here earlier toay, if you did you'd be in quite a state right now" Her voice was filled with annoyance.

"Could you stop with the riddles and just tell me!" He retorted.

"Before we get started, here" Once she'd finished talking she handed the emo-boy a large blunt object, much like a brick however it was metal ."Hit them over the head" She finished.

"Hit who over the head?" He questioned.

"The zombie's" Alex finally spoke up.

"Zombies? Are you kidding me?" He threw them incredulous looks.

"Listen to me" She said in a stern voice. "I saw them die. Every one. The teachers, the student everyone! When the first one dropped, he came back. He as bleeding from his eyes and mouth moaning loudly then he attacked" She put her head down, turned and began to walk steadily forward. The she continued "One that monster was back on his feet, he tore a chunk out of the nearest person to him, which happened to be my friend Elouise" The to boys began to follow her down the corridor keeping their defensive position.

"What she's dead?" Alex asked in clear shock.

"Yes, she died, but didn't stay dead" There was clear sorrow in her voice. "When I saw her rise and being to attack, I ran as did many others but, luckily, she didn't go after me. Considering I was the nearest person to her, that just shocked me" Her eyes were glistening with tears at the loss of her friend. "Alex, can you grab that axe?" She asked pointing to the sharp object discarded on the ground, he obliged by picking up the weapon.

"Where are we heading?" The emo boy asked in a calm manner.

"To the technology block, there's lots of tool there. We can make weapons to try and fight them. I found some other survivors and there working on barricades for the place now. That's why we need to hurry." Her voice was impatient as she banged her way through the double doors to make her way to the 'safe house'.

She turned her head to face the to boys "Ready for hell?" she said in a somewhat cheerful tone. They all looked forward being greeted by the dead that didn't stay dead.

"Let's go!" The two boys said in unison. Knowing that non of them had the strength to face this horror.

No matter their will to live.


A/N: Hello, Are you enjoying the story so far? If you have any ideas for the story I would love your input. Thanks :). 

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