Chapter 4 - Meeting the Survivors.

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Surviving School - Book 1 of the Spoken Dead Series.

Chapter 4 - Meeting the Survivors.

When looked into the classroom he saw 8 survivors, all disheveled and had tired looks pasted on their faces.

"Well?" Emo-boy asked impatiently. His eyes scanning over everyone in the room. The first was were Leigh and Alex's who were lazily seated on one of the work benches, and the next were an older girl and girl, both dressed in regular clothes. They were most likely sixth-formers, but the girl was wearing a large luminous jacket, like paramedic's wear. Wait, paramedic's? He questioned to himself. They were sat on some tables, staring intently at the black-haired stranger. The next twoseemed more youthful, their eyes were bright yet still had a reminiscence of fear held in them, both were boys. One had thick rimmed glasses and wavy blond hair, the other had a shaved head and seemed to try and portay a strong image, however his eyes failed him. There was another girl who was focused on Leigh, she had shoulder length wavy hair and purple framed glasses. Her eyes were a deep hazel which matched her button nose perfectly. When her turned his head to face the final girl, it shocked him. The girl was swearing silently under her breath whilst tipping instantly on her Blackberry. She was chewing gum loudly and didn't seem to notice him. Until she angrily pushed her phone into her pocket and looked up.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed, her eyes wide. The she jumped up and her surprised facial expression turned sour. "Where were you?Huh, why weren't you here? Aren't you supposed to love me?" The emo-boy opened his mouth tp speak but he was cut off the the fuming bleach blond in front of him. "Your were supposed to protect me!" she continued, jabbing a finger in his chest, tears gathering in her Sapphire eyes

He grabbed her hand that was still placed on his chest and flung it away.

"What was I supposed to do Claire? I don't have a clue whats going on!" He said running his hands through his hair. "Now, can some one tell me whats going on?" he finished.

Then the button-nosed brunette spoke "Well, first I'm Alice and these to are Callum and Joe" she said cheerfully gesturing toward o to younger boys. " The girl in the paramedic jacket is Lucy, the sixth-former is Luke and it's clear you know Leigh, Alex and...Claire." She finished with a sad smile.

"As great as that is Alice. I really need to know what happening." The emo-boy said sarcastically. Then, Alice put her head down.

"Well, where should I start? Well, we've been here for around  21 hours running from the zombies and we're fighting to stay alive so that's basically it" Leigh said loudly, standing up in the process.

"21 hours, your joking right?" the emo boy responded.

"No, and i want to know who you got here or how are you even still alive?"

"I got here this morning around-" He looked at this watch "- 32 minutes ago."

"How did you get through all the zombies? When we tried to get out of the front, there was a sea of 'em"

"There wasn't a soul when I when through there. Not a noise, not a movement. Nothing."

"Impossible." She cut off the conversation and began pacing back and forth muttering things under her breath. Then she turned her back and spoke to the group. "How are we doing on those weapons?"

"Good, we managed to get the grind saw off the work bench and we've attached to long sharppolls onto all the drills giving them good range." Said the red haired sixth former, who, emo-noy concluded, must have had some work in engineering.

"Perfect, 'coz those doors aren't going to hold forever."

Then, she turned her head when Alex began coughing and banging on his chest. He seemed deathly pale.

"Alex? Babe? Are you okay?" Leigh asked with genuine concern.

"Yeah. I'm good, Leigh, Thanks. It's just my asthma, there alot of dust in here you know." He sad with a light chuckle. Leigh just smiled and walked over to the window where zombies were banging and trying to brake the window.

Then the Emo-boy began to wonder was there something going on between Leigh and Alex? When he through this a pang went through the chest. Was he jealous? He barely knew the girl, yet he felt something, more so than with Claire.

Then Alex began coughing again and walked out out the room. There was something truely wrong with Alex and it was something deadly.

Surviving School - Book 1 of the Spoken Dead Series.Where stories live. Discover now